
freedom of speech


Controversy Dominates Town Board Meeting

Bryan LoRusso and several former Town of Hartwick employees want Hartwick Town Board member Chris Briggs to resign. A contingent of concerned Hartwick residents wants LoRusso, also a Town Board member, to resign. Hartwick Town Supervisor Robert O’Brien will be relocating before the end of the year, leaving that post unfilled. And the town’s attorney, William Green, has resigned, effective January 1, 2025.…


CONWAY: Editor’s should write editorials

LETTER from PAUL CONWAY Editor’s should write editorials To the Editor: To the question of whether All-Otsego’s new Editor-in-Chief should (continue to) use the editorial page to express positions on a variety of topics: Of course he should. He must! It would be an abrogation of his responsibility not to provide editorial guidance to area citizens. Editorials are widely anticipated to inform, educate, and — maybe least of all — persuade citizens on issues they might otherwise ignore or take…


FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Disagree? You Must Be Crazy

FOOD FOR THOUGHT Disagree? You Must Be Crazy There are millions of Americans, almost all white, almost all Republicans, who somehow need to be deprogrammed. It’s as if they are members of a cult,” Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson said of Trump supporters on Jan. 12. Former CBS news anchor Katie Couric agreed. “How are we going to really, almost, deprogram these people who have signed up for the cult of Trump?” she asked Bill Maher. And both CNN and…


KUZMINSKI: Demagogues Happen – And Can Happen Here

Column by Adrian Kuzminski June 15, 2018 Demagogues Happen – And Can Happen Here The Wikipedia – it may be the closest thing we have to a common standard of what things mean in our culture – tells us that a demagogue is “a leader in a democracy who gains popularity by exploiting prejudice and ignorance among the common people, whipping up the passions of the crowd and shutting down reasoned deliberation. Demagogues overturn established customs of political conduct, or…