Gender Wellness Center – All Otsego


Gender Wellness Center


News Briefs: November 30, 2023

News Briefs: November 30, 2023 Trans Rights Activist To Speak ONEONTA—Bassett Healthcare Network’s Gender Wellness Center and SUNY Oneonta will present “Thriving Through Adversity: A Conversation About Trans Issues,” a speech by prominent actress, activist and award-winning author Cecilia Gentili. The program will be held in the Waterfront Room at Hunt Union, 108 Ravine Parkway, from 4-6 p.m. on Saturday, December 2. It will also be livestreamed, accessible at BIT.LY/CG-SUNY-O. Credit Union Raffle Underway COOPERSTOWN—The Leatherstocking Credit Union’s annual Holiday…


Dr. Gadomski Honored By State For Work With Transgender Youth

State Honors Dr. Gadomski  For Tending Transgender Youth COOPERSTOWN – Pediatrician Anne Gadomski, Bassett Research Institute director, was given the World AIDS Day New York Commissioner’s Special Recognition for establishing the first rural pediatric registry for transgender and gender nonconforming youth in New York State. “There is not a lot of evidence to help inform clinical care of transgender and gender non-conforming youth, particularly for rural areas,” she said.…