george hymas – All Otsego


george hymas


Waller To Discuss Legacy Artists at the Art Garage Sept. 12

The gallery will open at 4 p.m. with light refreshment. Seating is limited and reservations are recommended via or by texting (315) 941-9607. CrazyCool!!! also features outsider artists Lucia Phillips (Hartwick), Zena Gurbo (Gilbertsville/Brooklyn), and George Hymas (Pierstown), and guest artist Lewis Danielski (London/Middlefield). Visitors are reminded to park on gallery lawns rather than on the town road.…


Making Art: Hymas To Present First Artist Talk for ‘CrazyCool!!!’

Concerned about consumer consumption and waste, Hymas transforms detritus into creations intended to bring delight and joy. According to a press release, his diminutive drawings in The Art Garage show embellish beige, dried and flattened (e.g., used) coffee filters. Images include villages, figures, animals and still lifes. He sometimes adds 3D items, such as pistachio shells, for a pop of texture.…


Hymas: Camera Installation an Orwellian Nightmare

Letter from George Hymas Camera Installation an Orwellian Nightmare The Village of Cooperstown is proposing to install surveillance cameras in public areas of the village. The deployment of the cameras would be under the guise of protection against crime and to enhance public safety. The police will monitor, access, and retain the data and images captured by the cameras. The slippery slope of surveillance is an assault on privacy and has a chilling effect on protest and dissent and could…


HYMAS: Main St. Cameras a ‘Slippery Slope’

Letter from George Hymas Main St. Cameras a ‘Slippery Slope’ The Village of Cooperstown is currently exploring the installation of strategically placed surveillance cameras in the village. The collection of data from the cameras can be viewed by the government and other local authorities and can be used to maximize surveillance of local citizens. Racial profiling, collection of vehicle registrations and the gathering of citizens for legal demonstrations or enjoyment are a few of the concerns that come to mind.…


HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO: Sculpture Exhibit At The Art Garage 08-07-20

HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for FRIDAY, AUGUST 7 Sculpture Exhibit At The Art Garage ART EXHIBIT – 4 – 7 p.m. Stop at airy gallery to view exhibit by local artist ‘George Hymas: Spontaneous & Deliberate. ’ Hymas uses visionary, colorful sculpture from castoffs like construction debris, twisted trees, spent bullets, more. The Art Garage, middle bay, 689 Beaver Meadow Rd., Cooperstown. 607-547-5327 or visit…