
Gerry Welch - Page 2


WELCH: Innovations Can Save Time, Energy

Letter from Gerry Welch Innovations Can Save Time, Energy The common “shop vacuum” cleaner or vacuum cleaner can be made to be more efficient. Simply have the on and off button on the end of the hose handle instead of on the vacuum itself or have the remote control on and off switch attached to one’s wrist using Velcro. Reducing time in reaching for the on/off switch and reducing energy lost while in the process of accessing the off switch…


WELCH: To Biden – Pardon People, Not Turkeys

Letter from Gerry Welch To Biden: Pardon People, Not Turkeys President Biden pardoned two turkeys and gave the death sentence to how many other turkeys? Instead of pardoning turkeys, wouldn’t it be more in keeping with the meaning of Thanksgiving to pardon two humans from the criminal justice system so they can be home with their families? If the president searched, he could find two incarcerated humans more deserving than the two turkeys he chose. Gerry WelchCooperstown…


WELCH: Hurricane Proof Mobile Homes

Letter from Gerry Welch Hurricane Proof Mobile Homes Ian’s devastating toll on mobile homes suggests that mobile home building codes need to be upgraded to be hurricane-resistant. It would be easier to manufacture mobile homes more safely than conventionally-built homes. Reinforced framing with impact-resistant siding and windows should be code. To counter storm surge or rising water, design the chassis to attach to four steel poles, ground secured, with hydraulic lifts to raise and lower the home. Safe haven in…


Letter by Gerry Welch: Cooperstown should modify dam to allow drainage

Letter by Gerry Welch: Cooperstown should modify dam to allow drainage  Because experts are saying we must prepare for the new reality of flood events, I suggest the Cooperstown dam be modified to allow large drainage. Any early signs of potential catastrophic rain events approaching release as much water as possible to reduce backup. Best way to accomplish this task is to build floodgates.…


WELCH: Expecting COVID Will Go Away Is Magical Thinking

LETTER from GERRY WELCH Expecting COVID Will Go Away Is Magical Thinking To the Editor: Authorities seem to believe the coronavirus is going to behave like SARS. Here today and probably gone tomorrow. Magically disappear. They are simply not preparing for the potential long haul, that of the virus again and again rearing its ugly head. They also don’t seem to be willing to think that immunity is gained by surviving the disease. I think out of the box, both…


Local Inventor Sees UV-Based Face Mask As Part Of Solution

COOPERSTOWN’S GERRY WELCH Local Inventor Sees UV-Based Face Mask As Part Of Solution By JIM KEVLIN • Special to COOPERSTOWN –  Local inventor Gerry Welch believes he may have an answer to the face-mask shortage the nation is facing as it battles the Coronavirus threat. For several years now, Welch has been promoting the “Aegis 12,” which the publicity describes as a “Healthcare Face Mask with Fail-Safe Power Pack.” The device is two face masks with a silver foil…


WELCH: Let’s Focus On Most Vulnerable

LETTER from GERRY WELCH Let’s Focus On Most Vulnerable To the Editor: In the case of the Coronavirus, governments are opening a multi-front war by initiating massive quarantines that are inadvertently weakening the entire system. Suggestion: Governments focus attention on protecting the elderly and people with weakened immune systems. Do not, however, defeat the economic support system that feeds and supports us by not allowing life to continue as close to normal as possible. Other than the aforementioned resolve, treat…