Girl Scout Cookies – All Otsego


Girl Scout Cookies

Time Out Otsego: 03-07-25

OPENING RECEPTION—5-8 p.m. “The 4th Annual Youth Arts Show.” First Friday event featuring talented young local artists. Show runs through 3/30. 25 Main Collective, 21 Main Street, Cherry Valley. (607) 264-5340 or…


Brownies sell cookies

Brownies sell cookies! The girls of Brownie Troop 61019 set up shop last weekend at Westlake Ace Hardware on Route 28 in Cooperstown to entice shoppers with boxes of the annual favorites, grate cookies for sale to delight sweet tooth cravings for one and all! Troop members Isabelle Oceguera, Chelsey Hribar, Helena Betancourt, and Sophia Vazquez handled the sales and inventory for the March 20 event; their troopmate Joselynn Flores was not able to join them but they were delighted…