girls on the run – All Otsego


girls on the run


In Memoriam: Sarah M. Trosset

Sarah M. “Sally” Trosset, beloved wife, mother, sister, cousin, niece, friend, and a vital member of the Cooperstown community, passed away Thursday morning, September 5, 2024, surrounded by her family at her home on Nelson Avenue after a courageous battle with cancer. She was 57.…


Many Hundreds Of Girls On Run

Rain Doesn’t Dampen Crowd Many Hundreds Of Girls On Run A Susquehanna River of girls – upward of 800, organizers said – flowed all the way from the Clark Sports Center up Susquehanna Avenue to the Route 33 junction – as far as the eye could see – for the 2019 Girls On The Run event, now wending its way around Cooperstown.  Inset, Carlotta Falso, Cooperstown, and Charlotte Marietta, Fly Creek, along with Charlotte’s mom Melissa, waits at the front…



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for SUNDAY, JUNE 3 Girls Leadership 5K Run GIRLS ON THE RUN – 10 a.m. Enjoy fun activities and 5K fun race starting at Noon. Open to the community. Clark Sports Center, Cooperstown. Call 607-435-3861 or visit BIRDING – 8:30 a.m. – Noon. Train your ear to recognize birds with classes and a walk with the local audobon chapter leaders. Pre-registration required. Betty & Wilbur Davis State Park, Davis Rd, Worcester. Call 607-547-5648 or visit…


800 ‘Girls On The Run’ In 15th Celebratory Race

800 ‘Girls On The Run’ In 15th Celebratory Race The two Lee sisters from Delaware Academy in Delhi, Eleanor, 10, and Jillian, 16, crossed the finish line, first and second respectively, a few minutes ago at the 15th annual “Girls on the Run” 5K that began and ended at Cooperstown’s Clark Sports Center.   The girls led some 800 others from 30 schools (45 teams in all; some schools have more than one) in five counties, Otsego, Delaware, Montgomery, Chenango and Schoharie.  A…



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for SUNDAY, JUNE 4 Run A 5K With The Girls GOTR 5K – Noon. Girls on the Run 5k run/walk. Registration begins 10 a.m. Race starts at the Clark Sports Center, Cooperstown. Info, SPRING CONCERT – 3-4:30 p.m. The Little Delaware Youth Ensemble perform selections from Bach, Mendelssohn, Haydn, Beethoven, and Pachelbel. Foothills Performing Arts Center, Oneonta. Info,…

700 ‘Girls On The Run’ Race Under Sunny Skies

700 ‘Girls On The Run’ Race Under Sunny Skies COOPERSTOWN – Seven hundred girls from six counties dashed off the starting line at noon today at the Clark Sports Center, the culmination of 10 weeks of – as organizer Sally Trosset put it – “celebrating gratitude.” The goal, she said, is “to teach girls about self-esteem, making good choices in life,” … of learning “it’s nice to be nice.”   VIEW PHOTO GALLERY FOR GIRLS ON THE RUN…