glass half full – All Otsego


glass half full


Editorial: Try Optimism, Hope Will Come

Many people feel down after these holidays, most probably due to exhaustion and over-indulgence, among other things, so it’s a good time for some increased optimism, a feat apparently better promised than done. The word derives from the Latin optimum, meaning “best,” and it’s been around for a long time.…


MORGAN: On Fourth Of July, Love Letter To America

Column by Tom Morgan, July 6, 2018 Money Talk On Fourth Of July, Love Letter To America We find dollops of hatred on the menu this 4th of July. Facebook bristles with diatribes. As do various social media portals. Politicians screech insults. Hollywood stars spit gutter language at the President. Mobs drive White House staff and their families from restaurants. Academics rev up poisonous demonstrations. They fill young minds with anti-American bile. News networks blister the administration. Endlessly. Protests morph…