
Glimmerglass Festival - Page 13



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for THURSDAY, JUNE 29 Lucia & Levi In Neahwa Park SUMMER CONCERT SERIES – 7 p.m. Presenting “Lucia & Levi” for the first performance at the Bandstand, Neahwa Park, Oneonta. MAMMOVAN VISIT – 8:30 a.m.-2 p.m. Get free mammograms, clinical breast exams, pap tests, and pelvic exams for no cost at Bassett Healthcares Mammovan. Walk-ins welcome. Family Planning of South Central New York, 37 Dietz St., Oneonta.…



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for MONDAY, JUNE 12 Oneonta Outlaws Home Game HOME GAME – 7 p.m. The Oneonta Outlaws vs. Mohawk Valley Diamond Dawgs. Damaschke Field, Oneonta. Info, TALKING OPERA – 7 p.m. Kevin Miller, a Glimmerglass Festival Principal Coach/Accompanist, will lead a program focusing on the great American opera “Porgy and Bess.” Christ Church Parish Hall, 69 Fair St., Cooperstown.…


Glimmerglass Festival Brings ‘Stomping Grounds’ To Town

Glimmerglass Fest Premieres ‘Stomping Grounds’ In County COOPERSTOWN – Warming up for its summer season, The Glimmerglass Festival is bring a world-premiere hip-hop opera, “Stomping Grounds,” to Otsego County and Upstate New York over the next few weeks, beginning at 7 p.m. Monday, May 8, at SUNY Oneonta’s Center for Multi-Cultural Experiences. Another local performance will be at 7 p.m. Wednesday, May 10, at the Cooperstown Farmers Market.  No tickets are required for either show.   Performances are also planned at Cherry…


Justice Ginsburg: Fear Not, Constitution Getting Better

BIG DRAW AT GLIMMERGLASS Justice Ginsburg: Fear Not, Constitution Getting Better By JIM KEVLIN • for COOPERSTOWN – Don’t despair, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg reassured her fellow Americans in an almost full 914-seat Alice Busch Opera Theatre this afternoon:  Today’s dissents are often tomorrow’s majorities. “Our Constitution has not changed, but our interpretation of it has become more perfect,” said the dean of the high court, an opera fan who has spoken to fellow fans at…


Great Score Overcomes Bland ‘Sweeney’ Setting

NIGHT AT THE OPERA  Great Score Overcomes Bland ‘Sweeney’ Setting By PAT THORPE • Review for COOPERSTOWN – Stephen Sondheim’s “Sweeney Todd” has been described as “operatic” since its debut in 1979 and it didn’t take long for this musical thriller to move to the opera house. John DeMain conducted Sweeney’s operatic debut in 1984 and has probably led more performances than anyone on Earth – very good reasons the Glimmerglass Festival orchestra sails with confidence and power through…



OPERA WEEKEND ARRIVES ‘Flute,’ ‘Macbeth,’ ‘Cato,’ ‘Candide’ Performed Lakeside This is one of two summer weekends when all four of the Glimmerglass Festival’s productions are performed in the Alice Busch Opera Theatre on Otsego Lake.  Below are reviews of this year’s productions by Pat Thorpe for The Freeman’s Journal (Cooperstown’s newspaper) and Hometown Oneonta,’s sister publications. New Mozart ‘Flute’ ‘Completely Magical’ Big Choruses Bolster Leads In ‘Macbeth’ ‘Cato’ Buoys Reputation For Baroque ‘Candide’ Overcomes ‘Relentless Tinkering’ Check for the SCHEDULE…

‘Candide’ Overcomes ‘Relentless Tinkering’

‘Candide’ Overcomes ‘Relentless Tinkering’ Review By PAT THORPE for The musical “Candide,” now in a glittering production at the Glimmerglass Festival, is one of Broadway’s favorite death and resurrection stories. When it opened in 1956, it boasted a roster of bold-face talent: Tyrone Guthrie; Leonard Bernstein; Dorothy Parker; Richard Wilbur; Lillian Hellman. In spite of irresistible music and some of the wittiest lyrics ever to reach the stage, “Candide” closed after 73 performances. In 1974, with a rewritten book…

Big Choruses Bolster Leads In ‘Macbeth’

Big Choruses Bolster Leads In ‘Macbeth’ Review by PAT THORPE for I prefer Shakespeare to all dramatists,” wrote Guiseppe Verdi. Verdi knew the plays intimately, and that knowledge suffuses three of his greatest operas. “Macbeth,” Verdi’s 10th opera, was his first attempt to translate Shakespeare and a success from its earliest days. The opera is remarkably true to the original, but one of the most dramatic changes is evident even before the curtain goes up on this new production by…

New Mozart ‘Flute’ ‘Completely Magical’

New Mozart ‘Flute’ ‘Completely Magical’ Review by PAT THORPE for “The Marriage of Figaro,” “Don Giovanni,” “Cosi fan Tutti” – in five years, Mozart and collaborator Lorenzo Da Ponte produced one hit show after another and changed the shape of opera forever. But by 1791, Da Ponte was gone and Mozart began working with friend and fellow Freemason Emmanuel Schikaneder on a comic fairy tale for the general public, not just the Viennese elite, a return to the singspiel…