Governor Coumo – All Otsego


Governor Coumo



HERZIG: Un-PAUSE STALLS, BUT ONLY UNTIL SATURDAY Southside Mall’s Inside Stores Stay Shut, But May Open Soon UTICA – In disappointing news for Southside Mall – locally owned interior stores had hoped to open tomorrow (Friday) – Governor Cuomo failed to deliver guidelines that would allow Phase 2 of his un-PAUSE program to open, at least until Saturday. Contrary to expectations, malls can’t open, although stores with outside entrances may open, Oneonta Mayor Gary Herzig, who’s a member of Mohawk Valley…


Pace Of Reopening Key To Ensuring CORONA Doesn’t Get A Rebound

GOVERNOR’S BRIEFING, TUESDAY, 4/14 Pace Of Reopening Key To Ensuring CORONA Doesn’t Get A Rebound GOVERNOR CUOMO AT TODAY’S BRIEFING: “Everybody’s anxious to reopen. … People need to get back to work. … The worst scenario would be if we did all of this, we got that number down, everybody went to extraordinary means and then we go to reopen and we reopen too fast or we reopen and there’s unanticipated consequences and we see that number go up again.”…