grant – All Otsego




THIS WEEK: 03-09-23

THIS WEEK’S NEWSPAPERS The Freeman’s Journal • Hometown Oneonta March 9, 2023 PHOTO OF THE WEEK FRONT PAGE Bassett Chief Looks to Future Otsego County EMS Reaches Crossroads Butternut Valley Alliance Joins Otsego Outdoors Collaborative Inside The Paper People & Businesses in the News Carnival Capers Village of Cooperstown To Receive $4.5 Million Via NY Forward Program An Upstart Orchestra’s Progress Continues in the New Year Otsego Board of Representatives Weighs Opposition to State Budget Rules Chancellor John B. King…


HUD Funds To Combat Area Homelessness

HUD Funds To Combat Area Homelessness OFO Receives $716,456.00 By TED MEBUSTONEONTAThe U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development announced a $1,162,978.00 commitment to two area homeless housing and services organizations, Opportunities for Otsego in Otsego County and Catholic Charities of Chenango County, on Thursday, February 2. OFO received $716,456.00 while the CCCC received $446,522.00. Alicka Ampry-Samuel, HUD regional administrator Region II, New York and New Jersey, presented the grants to organizational representatives Dan Maskin, chief executive officer of OFO,…


West Kortright Centre Awarded $40,000 by NYS Council on the Arts

West Kortright Centre Awarded $40,000 by NYS Council on the Arts EAST MEREDITH – The West Kortright Centre has received a $40,000 grant from the New York State Council on the Arts to support the recovery of the nonprofit arts and culture sector. Following New York State’s historic investment for the arts, NYSCA has awarded $90 million since spring 2022 to a record number of artists and organizations across the state. Governor Kathy Hochul said, “As a cultural capital of…


LEAF Receives ARC Grant

LEAF Receives ARC Grant Funds To Support Workplace Wellbeing, Recovery-to-Work Efforts ONEONTA – LEAF, the Leatherstocking Education on Alcoholism/Addictions Foundation, has been awarded $378,704.00 toward efforts associated with a new substance use disorder recovery and workforce development initiative. The funds, from the Appalachian Regional Commission, will support the North4 INSPIRE program, providing those in recovery with education, workforce training and wraparound services. The INSPIRE Initiative Implementation grant from ARC will improve individuals’ chances for successful employment and sustained recovery. In…


This Week: 12-01-22

THIS WEEK’S NEWSPAPERS The Freeman’s Journal • Hometown Oneonta December 1, 2022 PHOTO OF THE WEEK Planting for the Future FRONT PAGE City Receives Grant For Theatre Restoration Camera Policy on Hold for Now CGP, Golden Artist Planning Art Exhibit Exploring Voting Rights County Admin Reflects on First Months Inside The Paper Volunteers Needed this Weekend for Ice Rink Prep ‘Promise for Parkie’ Matching Challenge Is Now Underway Visitor Economy Summit a Step Forward Organization Changes Name, Prepares for Holiday…


Money Left on the Table?

Money Left on the Table? By Carrie Thompson There has been a lot of chatter surrounding President Biden’s Infrastructure and Jobs Act and as opposed to the Build Back Better agenda, this legislation was passed by the house on November 5, 2021, and signed into law on the 15th. What does this mean for our country, states and local communities? It sure sounds like a lot of money is on the table. A successful outcome for any state is leaving…


The Glimmerglass Festival Dedicates the New Lady Juliet Tadgell Garden

The Glimmerglass Festival Dedicates the New Lady Juliet Tadgell Garden Cooperstown, NY—This past weekend, the Board of Trustees of the Glimmerglass Festival formally dedicated the newly redone courtyard adjacent to the theater as The Lady Juliet Tadgell Garden. A longtime summer resident of the Cooperstown community and Honorary Life Trustee of the Festival, Lady Juliet has been one of the organization’s most ardent friends and supporters since 1983. Three years ago, Lady Juliet and her husband, Dr. Christopher Tadgell, spent…


Otsego Chamber offers free webinar on child care grant

Otsego Chamber offers free webinar on child care grant The Otsego County Chamber of Commerce addresses area child care needs and opportunities in a free Zoom webinar, “Child Care Desert Grant Explained,” on Thursday, March 17, beginning at 9 a.m. Rebecca Matthews of Catholic Charities, the lead organization behind the program, presents the webinar teaching local employers how to register and apply for funding to start childcare in your business, help a spouse of an employee set up a childcare…


City Hall Seeks $500,000 To Redo Oneonta Theatre

City Hall Seeks $500,000 To Redo Oneonta Theatre By CHRYSTAL SAVAGE • Special to City Hall will seek $500,000 in state funding to restore the Oneonta Theatre, the former movie house at 27 Chestnut St. that has been on the market and unused for five years. Mayor Gary Herzig received Common Council’s unanimous approval Tuesday, Jan. 5, to seek the money through the state’s Main Street Anchor Program aimed at restoring vacant buildings. While there is no time-frame for…