Grow NY Farms Coalition – All Otsego


Grow NY Farms Coalition


News Briefs: May 8, 2023

News Briefs: May 8, 2023 Compiled by WRILEY NELSON Oneonta Daytime EMT Class Scheduled ONEONTA—The Otsego County Office of Emergency Services has announced a new daytime EMT class in Oneonta. The initial session will be held on Tuesday, May 9, with later classes on Tuesdays, Thursdays and some Saturdays. Times and locations to be announced. For more information or to register, contact or (607) 547-4328. Exeter Man Arrested for Unlawful Imprisonment, Assault, More EXETER—The Otsego County Sheriff’s Office arrested…


Letter: Farms can’t afford threshold

Letter: Farms can’t afford threshold The future of agriculture locally may be in the hands of a three-member board. The decision they make will impact our farms immediately. The decision to be made — should the overtime threshold for farm labor move from 60 hours to 40 hours? The answer — no. According to a study from Cornell’s Dyson School and College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (commissioned by New York State) 72 percent of workers stated they would not…