
Hall of Fame Classic Weekend


Baseball Hall Of Fame Cancels Classic Weekend

Baseball Hall Of Fame Cancels ‘Classic Weekend’ COOPERSTOWN – The annual Hall of Fame Classic weekend at the Baseball Hall of Fame has been cancelled, Jon Shestakofsky, Communications VP, announced moments ago. “This precautionary measure is being implemented in accordance with recommendations by the Centers for Disease Control and government officials to limit opportunities for large gatherings and the further spread of the COVID-19 virus,”Shestakofsky wrote in a statement.…


You Like Baseball Cards? ‘Shoebox’ Show Has ’em All

CLASSIC GAME WEEKEND 2019 You Like Baseball Cards? ‘Shoebox’ Show Has ’em All Cooperstown’s Pete Henrici, the retired CCS teacher and proprietor since the 1970s of the Baseball Nostalgia shop in the Doubleday parking, points out one of his business cards from the early days, which is part of Shoebox Treasures, a new exhibit – two years in the making – that opened this morning at the Hall of Fame.   Inset is this morning’s ribbon cutting, with Hall President Jeff…