Hanford Mills – All Otsego


Hanford Mills


This Week: 09-22-22

THIS WEEK’S NEWSPAPERS The Freeman’s Journal • Hometown Oneonta September 22, 2022 PHOTO OF THE WEEK FRONT PAGE Home, Home on the Range. Where the Deer and the Heifers Play? Weekly Medical Briefs: 09-22-22 Inside The Paper Glimmerglass Festival Guild Contributes $25,000 Cooperstown Community Harvest Supper Returns Grow with CCE Garden Project 6th Ward Receives Proclamation Waller Grandson Wins International Soccer Championship Raw. Real. Romance … and Giving Back. Hanford Mills Exploration Day Perspectives Editorial Re-Charge! Columns STERNBERG: Mr. President,…


Exploration Days at Hanford Mills

Exploration Days at Hanford Mills The 2022 Exploration Days at Hanford Mills have been successful in giving visitors a chance to explore the Mill and experience a variety of engaging activities and programs offered by local presenters and staff at Hanford Mills. As part of the August 13th Exploration Day, they will again welcome cooper, Bob Allers. He will demonstrate historic coopering skills, sharing the tools and techniques of constructing buckets, tubs, casks, and other containers. Allers taught Earth Science…


Cooperative Extension welcomes Liz Callahan

Cooperative Extension welcomes Liz Callahan as new Executive Director Cooperstown resident Liz Callahan will bring her more than 25 years of experience in leading non-profit organizations in the region when she steps in as Executive Director of Cornell Cooperative Extension of Schoharie and Otsego Counties (CCE SO) on April 12. “Cornell Cooperative Extension is all about community resilience,” Ms. Callahan said in a conversation with The Freeman’s Journal / Hometown Oneonta. “The entire staff has a deep commitment to help…



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15 Fun Presentation By Hanford Mills WHAT I LEARNED – 11 a.m. Hanford Mills presents lively, fun exploration on Mill topics from water power, simple machines, more for kids & parents with education coordinator Luke Murphy on Facebook Live. Bring your questions & have fun. www.facebook.com/HanfordMillsMuseum/…



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for SATURDAY, AUGUST 10 Family Fun At The Mills FAMILY SATURDAY – 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Bring kids for fun tour featuring hands-on activities for kids. Enjoy family concert by Dave Ruch featuring sing-a-longs, movement songs, more at 1. Hanford Mills Museum, 51 Co. Hwy. 12, East Meredith. 607-278-5744 or visit www.hanfordmills.org/programs/events/family-saturdays/…


Village: Vote Firemen Into Chamber Hall

Village: Vote Firemen Into Chamber Hall     COOPERSTOWN – The Village of Cooperstown is encouraging residents to vote for the Cooperstown Fire Department for the 2019 Cooperstown Chamber of Commerce Hall of Fame.  The Fire Department is one of 25 candidates on the ballot, which also includes Bruce Hall, the Cooperstown Farmers Market and the Cooperstown Food Pantry. Voting open to public at www.AllOTSEGO.com. ►THE FENIMORE ART MUSEUM has received a $186,330 grant for a comprehensive catalog of the…


Old Mill Society Tours Fly Creek Cider Mill

Old Mill Society Tours Fly Creek Cider Mill Proprietor Bill Michaels welcomes a bus load of SPOOMERS, old mill enthusiasts, to the Fly Creek Cider Mill this morning.  The SPOOMERS are here from around the country this weekend for the annual convention of the Society for the Preservation of Old Mills (SPOOM), which is underway at Hanford Mills Museum in East Meredith. At right, Charlie Michaels, Bill’s dad, shows off a freshly peeled and cored apple from a Daisy  corer…



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13 Lumberjacks, Woodworking, More At Hanford Mills Festival WOODSMEN’S FESTIVAL – 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Festival celebrates way people use, work with wood. Features lumberjack events, woodworking demonstrations, horse-drawn wagon rides, local vendors, mill tours, food, music, crafts, science exhibits, more. Cost, $9/adult. Hanford Mills, 51 Co. Hwy. 12, East Meredith. 607-278-5744 or visit www.hanfordmills.org FALL ART SHOW – 1 – 3 p.m. Fall show features works by Leatherstocking Brush & Pallete Club, local artists. Includes…

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