Happy Haggs – All Otsego


Happy Haggs


Fundraiser Will Support Business Group, CV-S ‘HQ’ Program

Holiday Ticket raffle items are already on display as of Black Friday, November 29. Now through the First Friday Open House on Friday, December 6, they can be viewed at 25 Main Collective, 21 Main Street, Cherry Valley. Starting at 6 p.m., First Friday will also feature a lighted tractor parade, Father Christmas, a Happy Haggs performance, holiday karaoke, a fire dancer, and an official tree lighting...…


Middlefield Fall Festival Returns Sunday

Cherry Valley’s Happy Haggs will mingle with the crowd for photos around 11 a.m., and will perform their dancing spells at 11:30. Adults and children in costume are invited to “trunk or treat” on the baseball field below the schoolhouse at 1 p.m., featuring pumpkin painting.…


SHIFT Fair Coming Up April 22-23

SHIFT Fair Coming Up April 22-23 ONEONTA The 17th Annual SHIFT Holistic Living and Psychic Fair will be held on Saturday and Sunday, April 22 and 23, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Quality Inn in Oneonta. SHIFT stands for Spiritual Holistic Integrative Festive Transformation. The mission of event organizers is “supporting people’s transition to a healthier, happier lifestyle, connecting people to alternative healing techniques, and developing spirituality.”…