
Hartwick College - Page 26


Street Fair Enjoyed At OHFest XIII

OH-Fest Concert Out, But Street Fair Enjoyed Tonight’s Rapper Sean Kingston concert in Neahwa Park was cancelled over gang-rape allegations from nine years ago, but despite warnings of rain, the 13th annual OH-Fest Street Carnival went off without a hitch today as Main Street was filled with throngs of locals and students alike gathered to enjoy music, food and festivities. Above, Oneonta’s Yussef Romeo and Fay Pikul, played one of the carnival games, while Paige Stewart, right, hugs Tiny Tim,…


Survivors MarchTo ‘Take Back The Night’

Survivors, Supporters ‘Take Back The Night’ Carrying the “Take Back The Night” banner, Michaela Watts, left, and Taylor Trombley, members of the Opportunities for Otsego’s  Violence Intervention Program, led a group of students from the SUNY Oneonta campus to Hartwick College during the annual Take Back The Night march this evening. The crowd gathered to hear the stories of survivors at both campuses before continuing on to Muller Plaza in downtown Oneonta, where they closed out the night with affirmations…


Hartwick E-Hub Students Share Experiences With Rotary

COLLEGE PROVIDING ROTARY SPEAKERS Hartwick E-Hub Students Share ‘Liberal Arts In Action’ Rotarian (and Hartwick College president) Margaret L. Drugovich, above, introduces Hartwick students Allison Taft and Taylor Diepold, who spoke at today’s the Oneonta Rotary Club luncheon at The Elks Club.   Each Thursday this month, Hartwick is providing luncheon speakers to the local club.   Today’s topic was the “E-Hub Experience: Liberal Arts in Action” initiative.  Economics Professor Kristen Jones, at left,  explains how uncertainties in the future of the…


Good Samaritan, There’s No Good Reason Not To Apply Naloxone

COLUMN Good Samaritan, There’s No Good Reason Not To Apply Naloxone By ALICE CEACAREANU • Hartwick College professor, Translational Biomedical Research Management Synthesized by the same chemist, Aspirin and heroin were destined to change the world: one for the better and one for the worst.  Since 1897, they each keep counting human lives, one gives them back while the other takes them away. Heroin, an opioid, binds to the opioid receptors on the brain and remains in the body for…


Bill Davis Will Receive Doctor Of Laws Degree At Hartwick Graduation

Bill Davis Will Receive Doctor Of Laws Degree At Hartwick Graduation Revered Local Businessman Joined By Sally G. Herbert, Entrepreneur ONEONTA – Bill Davis, ’49, retired president of the Country Club Auto group and a former Hartwick College trustee, will receive an honorary Doctor of Laws degree at the college’s 2019 commencement at 11:30 a.m. Saturday, May 18, on Elmore Field, it was announced today. Another former trustee, Sally Griffiths Herbert, ’88, a successful entrepreneur in New Hampshire with her…



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for MONDAY, APRIL 1 Mayan Textile Production LECTURE – 6 p.m. Dr. Walter E. Little will speak on Mayan textile production in Guatemala. Free, open to the public. Eaton Lounge, Bresee Hall, Hartwick College. Info, (607) 431-4839…


5 Hartwick Profs TakeTo National Airwaves

5 Hartwick Profs Take To National Airwaves Beginning Monday, Local Researchers Will Be Aired Daily On NPR’s ‘Academic Minute’ ONEONTA – Next week, when you here “The Academic Minute” on NPR’s “Morning Edition,” you may be hearing some familiar voices:  Hartwick College faculty will take to the air before a nationwide audience offering insight into what they do best. President Margaret L. Drugovich, Chief Marketing Officer Monica Calzolari and Media Relations Manager David Lubdell have been talking about the idea…

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