Health Care – All Otsego


Health Care


DOHNER: Where Was Trump In Virtual Medicine?

LETTER from ERIC DOHNER Where Was Trump In Virtual Medicine? To the Editor: In his column, “Life in the Time of Covid-19,” Richard Sternberg forgets to credit the person responsible for making Medicare, Medicaid and all insurers pay for virtual visits – Donald Trump. The former president also required the states to accept virtual doctor visits across state lines, which was a huge stumbling block for online medical care. ERIC DOHNER Binghamton…


ZAGATA: Doctor-Patient Discussions Private? Little By Little, Confidentiality Goes

Column by Mike Zagata, June 8, 2018 Doctor-Patient Discussions Private? Little By Little, Confidentiality Goes Are there circumstances where it’s OK to violate your privacy? It might be OK if you make an informed decision to allow that to happen – but what if you don’t? Have you heard of HIPPA – the Health insurance Portability & Accountability Act of 1996? If you have, you probably have a sense of comfort that it protects conversations your doctor has about your…