healthcare – All Otsego




In Memoriam: James “JJ” Rice Jr.

James “JJ” Rice Jr. of Maryland passed away on October 27, 2024 in Fine, New York. Born on March 21, 1977 in Star Lake, New York, James was the son of James and Sandra (McKenney) Rice. He graduated from Clifton-Fine Central School in 1995, where he was an accomplished athlete competing in hockey, baseball, soccer and wrestling.…


Governor’s State-of-the-State speech a wish list for big election year

Governor’s State-of-the-State speech a wish list for big election year By Ted Potrikus New York’s governor delivers a state-of-the-state address at the start of each calendar year; the speech a sitting governor gives at the onset of an election year is, however, always something a little different, a little more ambitious in scope. Such is the case today (January 5) with a brief-by-comparison speech from Governor Kathy Hochul – her first since assuming the mantle after disgraced ex-Governor Andrew Cuomo…


Utica judge blocks New York State from mandating vaccines for health care workers

Utica judge blocks New York State from mandating vaccines for health care workers Staff Report • Special to The AP reported Tuesday, Sept. 14, that a federal judge in Utica has temporarily blocked New York State from requiring vaccinations for health care workers regardless of a religious exemption. The decision came after a group of doctors and nurses filed a lawsuit claiming the mandate was a violation of their rights.…


Helios Care named as finalist for major award

Helios Care named as finalist for major award By GREG KLEIN • Special to Oneonta’s Helios Care is a top 25 finalist for a prestigious award for innovative palliative care. The John A. Hartford Foundation Tipping Point Challenge, sponsored by the Center to Advance Palliative Care, is a “national competition to catalyze the spread of skills, ideas and solutions that will improve health care delivery for all people living with a serious illness,” according to its website. “We are…


New York must address rural EMS issues before a crisis occurs

New York must address rural EMS issues before a crisis occurs The League of Women Voters of the Cooperstown Area joins the New York State Volunteer Ambulance and Rescue Association, Inc. in supporting state legislation that would create a task force to study the unique problems facing ambulance services in rural areas of New York State and to propose long-term solutions for them. The League believes that every resident should have access to a basic level of quality healthcare, including…


DUNCAN: Hospitals Posting Prices? When You’re Sick, It Doesn’t Matter

LETTER from R. SCOTT DUNCAN Hospitals Posting Prices? When You’re Sick, It Doesn’t Matter To the Editor: As I was driving along listening to NPR talking about hospitals now being required to post prices for services. I thought: That is all the hospital needs, more hoops to jump through for the government. I looked on the Internet to find out more details. “The Trump Administration…announced it would begin forcing hospitals to publicly disclose the discounted prices they negotiate with insurance…


Now It’s ‘OneBassett’

Now It’s ‘OneBassett’ By JIM KEVLIN • Special to ‘OneBassett” is here, Network President/CEO Tommy Ibrahim announced Friday, Dec. 11, and it will lead Bassett Healthcare Network to profitability after four years in the red. In an interview, Ibrahim said the reorganization of the eight-county system that began when he arrived in June from Integris Health Systems in Oklahoma is largely complete. Still, “we’re in the first stages of transformation,” he said. “Now the real work begins.” As an…



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for THURSDAY, APRIL 23 Presentation On Decisions In Healthcare With Helios Care HEALTHCARE – 2 p.m. Online presentation ‘Start The Conversation: Thinking and Talking About Future Healthcare Decisions’ by Helios Care to celebrate National Healthcare Decisions Day. Register at…