Helios Care – All Otsego


Helios Care


Daffodil Brunch Set for April 19

As a kick-off to the spring season, the Daffodil Brunch is a day of friends, food and flowers. Dee Smith Hazlett will cater the brunch, smooth jazz will be played by the Rob Hunt Trio, and Gerry Raymonda will take keepsake photos for each guest amidst the daffodils.…

In Memoriam: Dorothea Sittler

With great sorrow, we share the news that our family matriarch, Dorothea “Dorle” Sittler, has passed away at the age of 100 years. Her death, on February 23, 2025, at the Cooperstown Center was peaceful, and we thank the center and Helios Care for their kind attendance to Dorothea in her last days.…


News from the Noteworthy: Helios Celebrates End-of-Life Care Professionals

Throughout the month, Helios Care hosted a variety of events, community outreach activities, and educational initiatives to raise awareness about the benefits of hospice and palliative care. These efforts aim to ensure that families in our community understand that there are options available that focus on comfort, dignity and quality of life during the most challenging times.…

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