hemlock wooly adelgid – All Otsego


hemlock wooly adelgid



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for SATURDAY, JANUARY 14 ‘Fedora’ Streams Live From The Met Operahouse OPERA—12:55-4:30 p.m. View live performance of the Metropolitan Opera, streaming live in Oneonta. This week the Met presents “Fedora” by Umberto Giordano, about a 19th-century Russian princess who falls in love with her fiancé’s murderer. Cost, $20/adult. Lunch available for purchase separately from Soda Jerks. Showing at the Foothills Performing Arts and Civic Center, Oneonta. (607) 431-2080 or visit foothillspac.org…



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16 OCCA Presents On Invasive Species MOUNTAIN CLUB MEETING – 6 p.m. Bring a dish to pass and enjoy dinner with friends followed by presentation on the monitoring of terrestrial invasive species. Focus will be on monitoring for the Hemlock Wooly Adelgid. A hike to apply what is learned will be held 11/29. Elm Park United Methodist Church, 401 Chestnut St., Oneonta. Visit facebook.com/SusquehannaADK BE AN ANGEL – The Angel Tree Program has returned. The community is…