Herring – All Otsego




Editorial: Running in Otsego

In our lakes and streams, the white suckers have begun their annual spring run. The first fish to run each year, and the most numerous, these bottom-feeding fish have fleshy lips at the underside of their heads that scoop up algae, small invertebrates, and plants from the bottom of lakes and rivers.…


Alumni Herring, Bard Join Unatego Hall Of Distinction

Alumni Herring, Bard Join Unatego  Hall Of Distinction UNADILLA – Herring Lumber Co. owner Charles W. Herring Jr. and Joseph Bard, retired executive director of the Pennsylvania Association of Rural & Small Schools, will be inducted into the Unatego Hall of Distinction Friday, Jan. 25. Charles Herring graduated from the Otego Central School in 1943 and soon thereafter enlisted in the Army Air Corps where he served with distinction as a gunner on a B-29 in the Pacific Theater. Following…