highway garage – All Otsego


highway garage


Ribbon Cutting Thursday, Followed by Open House Saturday

“The town has needed a new garage for a long time,” said Town Highway Superintendent Don Smith. “The guys and I can’t wait to get into this new building, where we’ll have adequate space for storing and servicing our trucks and equipment comfortably and, most importantly, safely,” he added.…


Planning To Retire, Bob Wood Has High Hopes For Southside

Planning To Retire, Bob Wood Has High Hopes For Southside By JIM KEVLIN • Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com By the time he retires on Dec. 31, the Town of Oneonta’s municipal water system will be complete, and condos and houses on Southside Drive will be emerging, veteran Town Supervisor Bob Wood is predicting. Simply, “the city does not have any more available land,” said Wood in an interview Friday, March 5, on announcing his retirement. A handful of developers have already…