historic preservation and architectural review board – All Otsego


historic preservation and architectural review board


Trustees Hear Housing Development Proposal

Trustees Hear Housing Development Proposal COOPERSTOWNCooperstown’s Board of Trustees heard the summary of a zoning application by Templeton Foundation on behalf of Bassett Healthcare from Joseph Piraino and Scott Freeman of Keplinger Freeman Associates, a landscape architectural and land planning firm based in East Syracuse, during their monthly meeting on November 28. Templeton Foundation representatives Kendra Beers-Capraro and Bob Zaleski were also present and gave information on the proposed housing development. Surveys were completed amongst hospital staff to decide which…


Work begins on Chestnut Crossing as project clears village boards

Work begins on Chestnut Crossing as project clears village boards By GREG KLEIN • Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com Two months after getting its special-use permit from the Cooperstown Board of Trustees, the Chestnut Crossing apartment complex at 10 Chestnut St. is mostly finished at the municipal level. According to village documents, the project has had public hearings and gotten approvals from the village committees that must approve various parts of the project, including its architecture, fencing, parking, sidewalks, streets, lighting and…



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for MONDAY, MARCH 25 TAI CHI FOR SENIORS TAI CHI – 10-11 a.m. Tai Chi for Arthritis classes for ages 60 and older. Free, donations accepted, registration and commitment to a minimum of 11 classes required. Meadows Complex, 140 County Hwy 33W, Cooperstown. Info, (607) 547-4232.…