homeless shelter – All Otsego


homeless shelter


HUD Funds To Combat Area Homelessness

HUD Funds To Combat Area Homelessness OFO Receives $716,456.00 By TED MEBUSTONEONTAThe U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development announced a $1,162,978.00 commitment to two area homeless housing and services organizations, Opportunities for Otsego in Otsego County and Catholic Charities of Chenango County, on Thursday, February 2. OFO received $716,456.00 while the CCCC received $446,522.00. Alicka Ampry-Samuel, HUD regional administrator Region II, New York and New Jersey, presented the grants to organizational representatives Dan Maskin, chief executive officer of OFO,…


Deemed ‘Essential Services,’ County Shelters Reopen

Ruled ‘Essential Services,’ OFO Shelters Reopened By LIBBY CUDMORE • Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com ONEONTA – Citing the domestic violence and homeless shelters “essential services,” the Otsego County Board of Representatives and the county’s Department of Social Services have reopened both buildings. “We’re happy that they have reopened and that they are helping these vulnerable populations in our community,” said county Rep. Adrienne Martini, D-Oneonta, chair of the county board’s Human Services Committee. “It’s so important that they be open and…