Hometown 4th of July – All Otsego


Hometown 4th of July



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for THURSDAY, JUNE 22 Fundraiser For Hometown 4th Of July FUNDRAISER – 6 p.m. Join Hill City Celebrations for a fun evening to benefit the Hometown 4th of July Celebration to be held in Neahwa Park. The evening will feature the Stan Fox Trio and local food truck cuisine. Held on the patio space adjacent to the main entrance of the Foothills Performing Arts and Civic Center, Oneonta.…


Organization Changes Name, Prepares for Holiday Events

Organization Changes Name, Prepares for Holiday Events ONEONTA – First Night Oneonta has announced a name change to Hill City Celebrations and a new collaboration with the Otsego County Chamber of Commerce. This expansion and re-branding better reflects the year-round events and activities First Night organizes for the community. The mission of First Night has always been to provide healthy, alcohol-free activities and events for families, the announcement reads. Community partners include LEAF Council on Alcoholism and Addictions, Five Star…



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for MONDAY, JULY 4 Fourth of July Celebrations SPRINGFIELD PARADE – 11 a.m. One of the oldest 4th of July parades in the country returns from a two-year hiatus. Parade will feature floats, marching bands, equestrian and much more to honor veterans groups, fire departments, and community organizations from all over the region. Will be followed by music, Brooks BBQ, historical displays, a quilt show, raffles, and much more at the Springfield Community Center and then a concert at…


Streaker Steals Show At 4th Of July Baseball Game

Streaker Steals Show At 4th Of July Baseball Game By LIBBY CUDMORE • AllOTSEGO.com Exclusive ONEONTA – Fans of the Oneonta Outlaws got more than extra innings when a streaker ran across the outfield during a break in the game for the 4th of July fireworks. “We got a call on the radio that there was a naked man running across Damaschke Field,” said Police Chief Doug Brenner. “One of our guys asked for a description, and the caller said,…


Delgado In Oneonta For 4th of July Festivities

Delgado In Oneonta For July 4th Festivities By LIBBY CUDMORE • Special To www.AllOTSEGO.com ONEONTA – There are 163 towns in the 19th Congressional District, many of them with fireworks, parades and other events celebrating Independence Day.  And Antonio Delgado, the Democratic candidate for Congress, chose to spend his Fourth of July in Oneonta. “Oneonta is a wonderful place,” he said. “I have a responsibility to touch every part of the district, to meet with people and listen to them.”…


New SUNY President Named Parade Grand Marshal

BARBARA JEAN MORRIS ON CAMPUS TODAY SUNY President’s 1st Duty: 4th Parade Grand Marshal ONEONTA – As she begins her new job today, SUNY Oneonta’s news president, Dr. Barbara Jean Morris, has already assumed her first civic assignment: She will be Grand Marshal of the city’s Hometown Fourth of July parade this Wednesday. The parade marks the first public event for the new president, who arrived on campus last week to begin her tenure as SUNY Oneonta’s eighth president. Morris,…


Police Assured A Fun, Safe Hometown 4th

Police Assured A Fun, Safe Hometown 4th Facebook Threat Investigated, Deemed “Not Credible” By FBI ONEONTA – With extra patrols on hand and monitoring by the State Police, the Oneonta Police Department helped assure that the Hometown 4th of July was a safe and celebratory time for all. On Thursday, June 30, Matthias Czako, Georgia, posted on Facebook claiming that Oneonta’s 4th of July event in Neahwa Park would be a target of domestic terrorism.  “We had people calling, messaging us…