
hometown history

Hometown History: March 6, 2025

90 YEARS AGO: Prospects for a good season at Camp Deerslayer and gains in membership were reported at the meeting of the Executive Board of the Otschodela Boy Scout Council. Estimates received from eight of the 36 units in the council showed that the camp on Otsego Lake will have its largest year in attendance. The Council went on record as being opposed to the Neustein Bill which seeks to regulate camping. The Council believes that the regulations would make…

Hometown History: February 20, 2025

110 YEARS AGO: Trainmen on a Delaware & Hudson freight train early yesterday morning found the mangled remains of a man lying beside the tracks about a mile north of the station at Cooperstown Junction. Company officials were immediately notified and a special train was made up to go to the spot where the body was found, carrying along Coroner E.J. Parish and the representative of a local undertaking firm. The remains were brought to Oneonta. From papers found in…

Hometown History: February 13, 2025

90 YEARS AGO: Milk consumption habits of the population of upstate New York will be surveyed by 18 colleges and normal schools to broaden the base of knowledge upon which the state is striving to increase consumption of fresh milk. Oneonta Normal is among those which will assist. Harold D. Leslie, director of the Bureau of Milk Publicity, has announced that the survey will be the most extensive ever made of the consumption of milk and dairy products. A similar…

Hometown History: February 6, 2025

135 YEARS AGO: In the United States, according to tables recently compiled, there were 50,025 persons killed and 53,427 seriously injured as a result of trespassing upon railways between the years 1901 and 1910. In Great Britain during the same period, there were 4,434 persons killed in like fashion and 1,315 injured. The difference, the startling difference even after taking into account the difference in population—seems to be that in Great Britain the laws against railway trespassing are strictly enforced,…

Hometown History: January 30, 2025

70 YEARS AGO: There is a unique, friendly quality to Oneonta that makes it the shopping, recreational and cultural center for folks from a four-county area. Why? Because it’s not too big; and it’s not too small. Folks who shop here say that Oneonta department stores have everything you’ll find in the big cities. But, it is much easier to go to Oneonta. Oneonta, too, is the center for farm machinery, for home and business needs, for banks and loan…

Hometown History: January 23, 2025

40 YEARS AGO: Nearly 60 people attending a celebration for legalized abortion were urged to write letters to Oneonta Mayor James Lettis protesting his proclamation this week as the “Week of the Unborn Child.” “We find this very offensive that a religious view is put in a citywide proclamation,” Chris Lilly of Oneonta said to the group gathered at the Universalist Church, 12 Ford Avenue. The meeting was jointly sponsored by the National Organization for Women, Women Concerned about Women…

Hometown History: January 16, 2025

50 YEARS AGO: Almost one-third of the Delaware & Hudson Railroad’s New York derailments last year occurred in Otsego and Schoharie counties. According to State Department of Transportation (DOT) files, the D. & H. had 37 derailments in 1974, 10 of them in Otsego County and one in Schoharie County. Included was the derailment of a train pulling propane cars that subsequently exploded injuring 55 firemen and onlookers on February 12, 1974. In 1973, the D. & H. also had…

Hometown History: January 9, 2025

50 Years Ago: The gold rush that generally started as a slow walk resumes Thursday after a one-day holiday break. Thomas W. Wolfe, head of the Treasury’s Office of Domestic Gold and Silver Operations, said the first day of legal sale of gold bullion to American citizens in 41 years showed that demand was extremely slow and almost nonexistent. Specialists had predicted that the end of the ban on private ownership of gold bullion might create a modern gold rush.…

Hometown History: January 2, 2025

50 Years Ago: The Best of Television—“Of Women & Men” NBC News Special—Ambitious, provocative three-hour study of the changing relations between women and men in a multitude of fields, ranging from sex, life-styles, family life, education and divorce, to jobs, politics, religion and sports. Reporters Barbara Walters and Tom Snyder handle their jobs as co-hosts and interviewers with sensitivity, and the fact comes through that women have, indeed, changed and broadened the pattern of their identities to permit a wide…

Hometown History: December 26, 2024

90 YEARS AGO: The Post Office yesterday delivered some 500 gift packages to Oneontans, who, but for a recent order of Postmaster General James A. Farley, otherwise would have had to wait until today for their presents from relatives or friends. Delivery of packages on Christmas day is a new idea with the Post Office department according to Oneonta Postmaster Chester A. Miller. Letters and parcels were also dispatched on Sunday in an effort to expedite the handling of the…

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