


STERNBERG: Stay Vigilant! But There’s Actually Some Good News

LETTER from RICHARD STERNBERG Stay Vigilant! But There’s Actually Some Good News This marks the 50th column I’ve written in this series. It’s hard to believe on many levels: How long we have been restricted or locked down, that I am still doing this weekly when we figured we would need to do this for at best a few months, that there remain new things to write about (in fact, every week brings new information), that my publisher makes me…


Thanksgiving Hosts Stricken

New Covid Records Set Thanksgiving Hosts Stricken By LIBBY CUDMORE • Special to As Otsego County’s COVID-19 numbers continue to climb, county Public Health Director Heidi Bond has a dire warning – NO gathering is safe. “I don’t know what it’s going to take to convince people to change their behavior,” she said. “If we don’t, we’re going to see these numbers continue to climb.” Though hospitalizations were down to four on Monday, Nov. 30 – down two from…