infrastructure – All Otsego




POPE: Vote ‘Yes’ for Proposition 1

Letter from Ellen Pope Vote ‘Yes’ for Proposition 1 This Election Day, Otsego County voters have the chance to vote for a cleaner environmental future for our children and grandchildren. Proposition 1, the NYS Clean Water, Clean Air and Green Jobs Environmental Bond Act, is on the ballot again for the first time since 1996, and the stakes could not be clearer for the health of Otsego County residents, farmlands, open space, and waterways.…


Water Plant Done, Is One Greater Oneonta Inevitable?

EDITORIAL Water Plant Done, Is One Greater Oneonta Inevitable? Bob Wood was dealt a winning hand when elected Oneonta town supervisor in 2008, and he played the hand well. He announced his retirement last Friday, March 5 – 299 days to go until Dec. 31, he said – and expressed satisfaction that $12 million in projects – $3-plus million for a new town highway garage and $8-plus million for the long-awaited Southside water project – will be completed by the…


Planning To Retire, Bob Wood Has High Hopes For Southside

Planning To Retire, Bob Wood Has High Hopes For Southside By JIM KEVLIN • Special to By the time he retires on Dec. 31, the Town of Oneonta’s municipal water system will be complete, and condos and houses on Southside Drive will be emerging, veteran Town Supervisor Bob Wood is predicting. Simply, “the city does not have any more available land,” said Wood in an interview Friday, March 5, on announcing his retirement. A handful of developers have already…


Big Guys Keep Little Guys From Thriving, Delgado Says

Big Guys Keep Little Guys From Thriving, Delgado Says By JENNIFER HILL  • Special to ONEONTA – Coming off a week of “Town Halls,” with students, small-business owners and farmers,  U.S. Rep. Antonio Delgado,  D-19, said in a teleconference press briefing this morning that while there were “critically important” national issues, most people in his district want to know “how do we improve the area.” In discussing how to improve the area, Delgado often framed his responses in big…


ADRIAN KUZMINSKI: Natural Gas Is A Bad Investment

Column by Adrian Kuzminski, October 5, 2018. Natural Gas Is A Bad Investment It’s obvious we have to get off fossil fuels, yet we keep hearing that fossil fuels – natural gas in particular – are essential to local economic growth. While “solar and wind would be a viable source for electric,” Otsego Now CEO Jody Zakrevsky wrote in The Freemans Journal & Hometown Oneonta in the Aug. 30-31 editions, “it (the solar and wind source) does not currently provide…