James L. Seward – All Otsego


James L. Seward


Bassett Recruits Seward As Liason With Albany

Bassett Recruits Seward As Liason With Albany Anticipating 36-year state Sen. Jim Seward’s retirement, Bassett President/CEO Tommy Ibrahim “asked me to join his team” when the two met for the first time last fall, the senator said. Conversations continued, and Friday, Feb. 12, Ibrahim made it official: Seward has joined the hospital network as a “strategic affairs liaison,” offering advice on a part-time basis on how it can interact with Albany to obtain the best outcomes. In an interview, Ibrahim…


Cheering OUT & Swearing IN

Cheering OUT & Swearing IN!       At Oneonta’s First Night, Greg Lee and other members of his Cosmic Karma Fire troupe, left, spin flames for  onlookers outside Foothills’ Atrium.  At right, the Elite Dance Company’s Dejalei Champen and Emily Kane hoist Lillian Stalter up in the air.                Rod Roberts, above, swings Cuca, his wife of 36 years, around the dance floor to “What a Wonderful World.”  At right, tiger-faced Leah Puylara…