jan 6 insurection – All Otsego


jan 6 insurection


Let’s All Get Behind President Biden’s Call For Calm, Unity

EDITORIAL Let’s All Get Behind President Biden’s Call For Calm, Unity It’s a day that will live in infamy, Jan. 6, 2021, when a mob attacked the U.S. Capitol, vandalized and ransacked the venerable building, and was driven out by National Guard units and Capitol Police with some loss of life. Prior to Jan. 6, 2021, few Americans could visualize that ever happening. The natural response here in Otsego County, as throughout our United States, is horror, sadness and fear…


ONEONTA COMMON COUNCIL: So Where Do You Stand? Democracy? Insurrection?

LETTER from ONEONTA COMMON COUNCIL & Otsego County Board of Representatives So Where Do You Stand? Democracy? Insurrection? To the Editor: The violence in D.C. on Jan. 6, 2021, which led to the deaths of five people, have clarified the one question that needs to be asked of our country, state and regional representatives: Are you for the democratic process or are you for insurrection? There is no longer any nuance, thanks to the actions of a group of pro-President…