jan 6 insurrection – All Otsego


jan 6 insurrection


County Board Split On How To React To Capitol Attack

'False Equivalency' Or Not? County Board Split On How To React To Capitol Attack Editor’s Note: For an hour at its monthly meeting, Wednesday, Feb. 3, the Otsego County Board of Representatives debated two resolutions: H, condemning the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol. And G, condemning both the attack on the Capitol and summer-long riots that followed George Floyd’s death. RESOLUTION NO. G RESOLUTION: CONDEMNING VIOLENCE IN THE UNITED STATES AND REAFFIRMING THE BOARD’S COMMITMENT TO THE RULE…


NORTHRUP: Greatest Generation Veterans Would Have Cringed

You have reached your limit of 3 free articles To Continue Reading SubscribeLogin   Our hard-copy and online publications cover the news of Otsego County by putting the community back into the newspaper. We are funded entirely by advertising and subscriptions. With your support, we continue to offer local, independent reporting that is not influenced by commercial or political ties.…


Inauguration 2021 Chance For New Beginning

EDITORIAL Inauguration 2021 Chance For New Beginning The loss of innocence. And we thought it could only happen once. “I can’t help but think: You see these photos of the West Side of the Capitol, where presidents have stood and the transition of power has occurred. It’s so tainted now, with insurrectionists actually storming the Capitol. It’s hard to go back.” That’s Joey Katz, son of Cooperstown’s former mayor Jeff Katz, then a teenager, who – with his mother, Karen,…


Both Love, Justice Required In Dealing With Capitol Mob

OTHER VIEWS Both Love, Justice Required In Dealing With Capitol Mob By Rev. SERENA JONES • Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com Rev. Dr. Serene Jones, president of Union Theological Seminary in New York City, shared her reflections on the storming of the Capitol at the First Presbyterian Church of Cooperstown Sunday, Jan. 10. (Jim Kevlin/AllOTSEGO.com) Editor’s Note: Rev. Dr. Serene Jones, Union Theological Seminary president, was stricken with COVID-19 and missed speaking at the installation of the First Presbyterian Church’s new pastor,…


RUDY: Antidote To Chaos? Read Obama’s ‘Promised Land’

You have reached your limit of 3 free articles To Continue Reading SubscribeLogin   Our hard-copy and online publications cover the news of Otsego County by putting the community back into the newspaper. We are funded entirely by advertising and subscriptions. With your support, we continue to offer local, independent reporting that is not influenced by commercial or political ties.…


STAMMEL: Conspiracy Fantasies Must Come To An End

LETTER from ANDREW D. STAMMEL Conspiracy Fantasies Must Come To An End To the Editor: Millions of Americans watched in horror as partisan domestic terrorists stormed the U.S. Capitol last week to prevent the lawful election of Joe Biden. I join in the anger and disgust at the destruction of public property and the desecration of the hallowed citadel of democracy. I despair at the unnecessary loss of life, including brave Capitol police officers. But I also angrily denounce the…


SEELEY: To Defuse Violence, Salka Must Accept Election Fair

LETTER from KARL SEELEY To Defuse Violence, Salka Must Accept Election Fair To the Editor: On Friday, Jan. 8, Assemblyman John Salka engaged in a frank, one-on-one, 15-minute conversation with me about the election results and the insurrection at the Capitol. I sincerely appreciate him devoting so much time to talking with me, as I’m just one of over 100,000 people in his district. But I was left appalled by his attachment to two self-serving, destructive, false narratives. It was…


NORTHRUP: Sedition Is Part Of American History – But Some Learn Lessons

LETTER from CHIP NORTHRUP Sedition Is Part Of American History - But Some Learn Lessons To the Editor: Sometimes sedition is a good thing. Sometimes, not so much. My family are experts in sedition and revolution. We may in fact be some of the most revolting people in America. When sedition wins, history, which is written by the winners, proclaims you a hero. When sedition fails, history proclaims you a traitor. Our first seditious loss came in North Carolina, where,…