Jason Hewlett – All Otsego


Jason Hewlett


HEWLETT: Trump, Bidens Turn Voters Off

LETTER from JASON HEWLETT Trump, Biden Turn Voters Off To the Editor: Being a somewhat conservative Christian man, I have always preferred Republican candidates over Democrats. I have voted or wanted to vote for Republicans because they have the same views that I do on major issues such as abortion, homosexuality and prayer in public schools, to name a few. But as I get older and more educated, and I begin to understand what’s most important in life, I realize…


HEWLETT: Many Mental Patients Abused

Letter From JASON HEWLETT Neglect Of Mental Patients Little Understood To the Editor: Right now there is nothing more important to me than making people aware of the ongoing abuse and neglect of patients on psychiatric units. This is still happening today in many hospitals here in NYS because of bad policies and bad protocols that need to change. These are the primary causes of patient abuse by psychiatrists and their nursing staff who ironically do mean well and want…


HEWLETT: Pornography Is At Root Of Many Modern Evils

LETTER from JASON HEWLETT Pornography Is At Root Of Many Modern Evils To the Editor: In America today, it seems like whenever we turn on the news or read the newspaper there are reports and headlines of sexual crimes but most people are content to just leave it up to law enforcement and the courts. What we all need to understand, regardless of our take on the Bible or other religious beliefs, is that sexual crimes can only be prevented…


Developing Method Helps To Handle Disagreements

LETTER from JASON HEWLETT Developing Method Helps To Handle Disagreements To the Editor: Through much trial and error, I have learned how to express my opinions in a respectful, honest and productive way instead of being unfair with the people who have different opinions than I do. It wasn’t easy for me to learn that valuable life lesson because when you’re so sure you’re right about something, you feel entitled to be the final authority on the subject. One of the ways I’ve been…


Twelve Tribes Outstanding Citizens; Leave Them Alone

Letter from JASON HEWLETT Twelve Tribes Outstanding Citizens; Leave Them Alone To the Editor: I wish the people who attend churches here in Oneonta would do more research before jumping to false conclusions about the Twelve Tribes. First of all, how many people have carefully and thoroughly read what they believe on their public website titled, “Frequently Asked Questions – The Twelve Tribes”? These people have nothing to hide, no fear of persecution or adversity, and they share what they…


No One Should Be Forced To Take Psychiatric Drugs

from JASON HEWLETT No One Should Be Forced To Take Psychiatric Drugs To the Editor: As a man diagnosed with a mental illness for the past 20+ years, I have the lived experience to give the public a patient’s view of the dangers of psychiatric drugs. They are not at all what most people, including those who are mentally ill, think they are. If you were to Google “Psychiatric Drugs: Cure or Quackery?” by Lawrence Stevens J.D., you would get…