Jay Bosley – All Otsego


Jay Bosley


Bosley: Bassett Project Will Be Beneficial

Letter from Jay Bosley Bassett Project Will Be Beneficial This writing is in response to your April 4, 2024 editorial regarding housing in Oneonta and Cooperstown, New York. It is true, a possible 100 percent of voting-age residents living on Averill Road, Cooperstown were against the Bassett project in January of 2023, all four of them. That changed in September of 2023, when we moved into our place. We respect our neighbors’ opposition to the Bassett project, but my wife…


Trio Aims To Tell Dunkin: Go Elsewhere

3 Dunkin’ Foes Plan Letter-Writing Drive To Bolster Opposition By LIBBY CUDMORE • Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com COOPERSTOWN – Hudi Poldolsky, Jay Bosley and Aviva Schneider want to make sure that everyone in Cooperstown has a chance to make their objections about the proposed Dunkin Donuts known. “HPARB, the Planning Board and the Trustees are all volunteers, but they have a very narrow scope,” said Bosley. “They can’t do the things citizens can do. They can’t tell Dunkin Donuts that we…