Jim Powers – All Otsego


Jim Powers


Jim Powers Runs For 122nd Assembly Seat

Jim Powers Runs For 122nd Assembly Seat Former Otsego County Board Chairman Seeks To Succeed Retiring Cliff Crouch By JIM KEVLIN • Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com SOUTH NEW BERLIN – Republican Jim Powers, former Otsego County Board of Representatives chairman, announced this morning he’s running for state Assembly in the 122nd District to succeed Cllifford W. Crouch, Bainbridge, who is retiring.  Both are  career farmers. “I enjoy public service and being able to help people with their problems,” and to do…



CLARK RULES! (AT LEAST IN ’17) Chair Turns Back Challenge, But Colleagues Are Divided By JIM KEVLIN • Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com COOPERSTOWN – Four-year Chair Kathy Clark, R-Otego, was elected to another year on the helm of the county Board of Representatives, but it was ugly. She ended up with 3,341 weighted votes, comfortably above the 3,115 majority, but hardly a landslide. Three of the eight Republicans on the board didn’t vote for her:  her challenger, Len Carson, Oneonta, voted nay, and…



FURIOUS LOBBYING FOR CHAIRMANSHIP Some Say Rep. Powers Shifts To Clark; Others, Outcome Still Too Close To Call By JIM KEVLIN • Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com COOPERSTOWN – Furious lobbying is underway this evening as support for the next chair of the Otsego County Board of Representatives sea-saws between incumbent Kathy Clark, R-Otego, and Len Carson, R-Oneonta. Word was circulating that county Rep. Jim Powers, R-Butternuts, who mounted an unsuccessful challenge to Clark last year, had just this evening agreed to…


Complete Constitution Pipeline, Cuomo Asked

CLICK FOR FULL TEXT Complete Constitution Pipeline, Cuomo Asked County Board To Debate Sending Letter By JIM KEVLIN • for www.AllOTSEGO.com COOPERSTOWN – “Poverty is the illness.  Good jobs are the cure,” county Reps. Jim Powers, R-Butternuts, and Ed Frazier, R-Unadilla, state in the draft of a letter to Governor Cuomo due for consideration at the county Board of Representatives’ October meeting at 10 a.m. tomorrow in Cooperstown. The letter urges the governor to “reconsider the many benefits the Constitution Pipeline…


Frazier, Stammel Contacted By Powers In Bid For Chair

Frazier, Stammel Contacted By Powers In Bid For Chair COOPERSTOWN – Two more county representatives said they have been contacted by Jim Powers, R-Butternuts, seeking their support in his bid to bump Kathy Clark, R-Otego, from the chairmanship of the Otsego County Board of Representatives. The board’s vice chair, Ed Frazier, R-Unadilla, said he received an e-mail from Powers, but advised him he will be supporting Clark. Incoming county Rep. Andrew Stammel, D-Town of Oneonta, said he had heard from…



AGAIN, POWERS TILTS AT CLARK Board Reorganizes Wednesday  By JIM KEVLIN • for AllOTSEGO.com COOPERSTOWN – Veteran county Rep. Jim Powers, R-Butternuts, is again seeking to bump county Rep. Kathy Clark, R-Otego, from the chairmanship, according to representatives whom he’s approached asking for support. The Otsego County Board of Representatives, which Clark has chaired for four one-year terms now, will  hold its reorganizational meeting at 10 a.m. Wednesday in the County Office Building on upper Main Street here. Powers, a dairy…