joe potrikus – All Otsego


joe potrikus


Taxes Emerge As Issue In Otsego Town Election

Taxes Emerge As Issue In Otsego Town Election By JIM KEVLIN • Special to FLY CREEK – Taxes have emerged as an issue in the Town of Otsego in the final days of the Town Board campaign, with a Republican incumbent saying they “may double” and a flyer from Republican candidates delivered over the weekend estimating the increase at 25 percent. But Town Supervisor Meg Kiernan, who is running unopposed in Tuesday’s election, said taxes will go up only…

candidate 2015 joe potrikus

JOSEPH M. POTRIKUS Candidate, Otsego Town Board RESIDENCE: Fly Creek EDUCATION: Associates Degree; SUNY Morrisville PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Co-owner of Greener World Landscape Maintenance since 1999. Board member, New York State Turfgrass Association, Advisory Board member, SUNY Delhi Horticulture Program, Board Member, Otsego County Development Corporation. COMMUNITY/POLITICAL INVOLVEMENT:  Currently chairman of Town of Otsego Planning Board, Planning Board member for past seven years, served a two year unexpired term as a Town of Otsego Councilman, served four years on Town of Otsego…