Johna Peachin – All Otsego


Johna Peachin


Appeals Court rejects lawsuit against Dietz Street development

Appeals Court rejects lawsuit against Dietz Street development STAFF REPORT • Special to The State of New York Appellate Division confirmed a previous ruling against a lawsuit brought by Johna Peachin that attempted to block construction of the lofts at Dietz Street in the City of Oneonta, Friday, May 7.  The lawsuit claimed that the apartments would block views of the hills, reduce the capacity for parking at Peachin’s business, and require her to walk further for exercise at…


Judge Opens Way For Dissolution Of Fire District

Judge Opens Way For Dissolution Of Fire District Commissioners Speedily To Convene, May Now End City Coverage Of Town COOPERSTOWN – State Supreme Court Judge Michael V. Coccoma today issued a decision that appears to clear the way for the dissolution of the Town of Oneonta Fire District and the end to the city’s contract to provide fire coverage to Southside Oneonta and other neighborhoods. Specifically, Coccoma dismissed the Town of Oneonta’s lawsuit and said it has no standing to…


Isn’t It Time For City To Act, Or Get Out Of The Way?

Editorial for October 5, 2018 Isn’t It Time For City To Act, Or Get Out Of The Way? You know, of course: Creativity is making something out of nothing. Or, better, recognizing potential where nobody else does. The scoop in last week’s paper is a case in point: A group calling itself The Market Street Alliance is proposing a distillery in the former Oneonta Ford building, that dreary, long-empty, black-painted hulk at the foot of Chestnut Street, across from Foothills.…



WOOD VOWS TO SUE FIRE BOARD EXTINGUISHES FIRE BOARD For Now, Negotiations With City For OFD Protection In Town Over By LIBBY CUDMORE • Special to ONEONTA – The Town of Oneonta Fire District is no more, (at least for now.) As expected, Chairman Johna Peachin and her allies, Fire Commissioners Fred Volpe and Ron Peters, this evening voted for the dissolution, while the two new commissioners, Al Rubin and Michelle Catan, voted against. Though no public comment was…


Again, Fire Board Will Try To Dissolve; Town Says It’ll Sue To Stop It

Again, Fire Board Will Try To Dissolve; Town Says It’ll Sue To Stop It Supervisor Wood Says 12-15 Months Needed To Allow For Orderly Transition Of Duties By JIM KEVLIN • Special to ONEONTA – Failing to vote to dissolve last night in the face of objections from the audience, the Town of Oneonta’s Board of Fire Commissioners is planning to meet again tomorrow evening to try again. The commissioners have scheduled a meeting for 6 p.m. Thursday at…


Dissolution Tabled

Will Fire District Survive? A Stormy Meeting; No Answer Unable To Agree, Fire Commissioners Table Dissolution.  But For How Long? By PARKER FISH • Special to ONEONTA – The Town of Oneonta Fire District lives to see another day. With a motion on the table to dissolve the fire district,  Fire Commission chair Johna Peachin moved to table it at the end of a stormy meeting this evening. The tabling passed unanimously, delaying action on dissolving for now –…



FIRE-PROTECTION BOARD SETS VOTE ON DISSOLUTION Move Would Put Town-City Contract In the Hands Of Oneonta Town Board By JIM KEVLIN • Special to ONEONTA – With its fire protection contract with the city stymied for three years now, the Town of Oneonta fire commissioners have set a public hearing for 7 p.m. Sept. 18 at Elm Park Church on dissolving the fire district. Town Supervisor Bob Wood, a former fire commissioner himself, today said, as he understands it,…


Herzig Pulls Nick’s Resolution

In Surprise Move, Herzig Pulls Nick’s Resolution Cites FOIL Requests, Council-Member Absences By PARKER FISH • Special To ONEONTA – Citing Freedom of Information Law requests which had yet to be fulfilled, and the absence of three Council members, Mayor Gary Herzig pulled a resolution from the agenda to approve a $230,000 Community Development Block Grant for Nick’s Diner at this evening’s Common Council meeting. “In respect to people who have submitted FOIL requests and have not received them…


Oneonta Fire Commissioners Meet Tonight

Oneonta Fire Commissioners Meeting Planned For Tonight ONEONTA – The remaining Town of Oneonta fire commissioners, Johna Peachin and Fred Volpe, will have the regularly scheduled meeting of the Oneonta Fire District tonight at the Elm Park Methodist Church at 6 p.m. Additionally, former commissioner Don Lamanna’s resignation letter will be read at the Town of Oneonta Board Meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 11.  …