Jordanville – All Otsego




Russell J. Shufelt, 60; Worked At Walmart Distribution Center

IN MEMORIAM: Russell J. Shufelt, 60; Worked At Walmart Distribution Center JORDANVILLE – Russell J. Shufelt, 60, who most recently worked at the Walmart Distribution Center in Sharon Springs, passed away unexpectedly Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2018, at Bassett Hospital. He was born on July 3, 1958, in Albany, a son to the late Irving and Genevieve Martin Shufelt. Raised and educated in Delmar graduating from Colonie High School.  On July 23, 1992 he married the former Rosemary Fountain in Delmar.…


On WAMC’s ‘Morning Headlines’, Editor Reveals Secrets Of Romanovs’ Remains

On WAMC’s ‘Morning Headlines’, Editor Reveals Secrets Of Romanovs’ Remains In this week’s “Morning Headlines” on WAMC/Northeast Public Radio, Jim Kevlin, editor/publisher of (and Hometown Oneonta & the Freeman’s Journal), reports on “The Last Day of the Last Tsar” exhibit at Holy Trinity Monastery, Jordanville, and artifacts that prove once and for all that remains found in the Ural Mountains in 1979 are those of Tsar Nicholas and his family. CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO WAMC REPORT…



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for SUNDAY, JULY 15 Take Garden & Landscape Tour TOUR – 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. Travel the country roads and discover the landscape and how people have enhanced it with their garden schemes. This years tour will be through the Cooperstown area. Pre-registration required for directions to first garden. All must being tour before 1 p.m. Cost, $18. 607-278-5454 or visit MEET & GREET – 4 – 6 p.m. Meet Joyce St. George who is running for the…


Teen Drowns In Canadarago Lake

Teen Drowns In Canadarago Lake Kayak Sinks During Sudden Storm RICHFIELD SPRINGS – A Jordanville teen drowned in Canadarago Lake after his kayak capsized during last night’s storm. According to State Police, Dustin Groat, 19, Jordanville, was with another teenager when they got into their kayaks at the Canadarago Lake Boat Launch at approximately 7:30 p.m. and paddled to Deowongo Island.…


Leland Collins, 92; Ran Family Farm Near Jordanville

IN MEMORIAM: Leland Collins, 92; Ran Family Farm Near Jordanville JORDANVILLE – Leland Daniel Collins, 92, retired farmer, passed away on Wednesday Nov. 30, 2016, in Ocala, Fla. He was born on Oct. 19, 1924, in Little Falls, one of 11 children born to Harold L. Sr. and Hattie Mae Hoffman Collins.  A lifelong area resident, he was a graduate of VanHornesville Central School, Class of 1944.  On Nov. 8, 1958, he married Elizabeth Hazel Seamon. Together they ran their…


Ellen Jones, 74; Grew Acres Of Fruits, Vegetables

IN MEMORIAM: Ellen Jones, 74; Grew Acres Of Fruits, Vegetables JORDANVILLE – Ellen Jones, 74, who worked most of her life at the Life Savers/Beech-Nut chewing gum factory in Canajoharie, passed away April 10, 2016, in the comfort of her own home with the love and support of her family, friends and loved ones by her side. She was born on Sept. 15, 1941, at Tin-Top in Springfield Harry VanBrink and Mable Mallette-VanBrink. She had a passion for the great…