Julie Doestal – All Otsego


Julie Doestal


Statistics Here And Nationally Indicate: Heroin Tide Is Ebbing

Statistics Here And Nationally Indicate: Heroin Tide Is Ebbing Editor’s Note: This column, by LEAF Executive Director Julie Dostal, is the final in a 12-month cycle of columns by Otsego County Opioid Task Force members, and the news is good. Read on! There’s a light at the end of the tunnel. I did not know when this day would happen, but it finally has. It looks like we have just begun to turn a corner in the public health crisis…


Home Sweet Home

It’s Home Sweet Home At Gingerbread Contest Entries flooding in Friday afternoon for this year’s annual Gingerbread House competition as contestants carry their confectionery creations in into the Foothills atrium for the judging later in the evening evening. Above, David Kropp, Oneonta, starts arranging a few of a 50 record entries, including one depicting Oneonta’s Christmas tree in Rockefeller Center last Christmas, made by his sixth- and seventh-grade class at Oneonta Christian Academy. At right, Julie Dostal and Chris Rolko…