
Julie Dostal


Editorial: One Box To Save Many

The opioid epidemic has likely affected everyone here today in some way. Some have overcome their own personal struggles, and in many cases, have had to witness the devastation of opioid addiction in those closest to us.…


News from the Noteworthy: Our Best Selves: Celebrating Recovery

Sometimes my columns are newsy, sometimes upbeat, sometimes free-flowing rambles, and sometimes they are personal. This one falls into that last category, with a few sprinkles of newsiness for good measure. September is Recovery Month. This will be my 31st such month in my own recovery journey. I am a grateful human being.…


News from the Noteworthy: Creating a Culture: From ‘Expendable’ to ‘You Matter’

This month’s article consists of excerpts I blew the dust off of from a 2017 Oneonta TEDx, in which I was honored to participate. As I reviewed the material, I realized that we are very much in the same boat—and probably taking on a bit more water. The title of the talk was “Expendable People.”
For every decision that our society makes to create profit, increase tax revenue, or develop an economic growth strategy on a known addictive product, we also…


Noteworthy: Opioids: Examine the Risks, Benefits, Alternatives

News from the Noteworthy: LEAF Opioids: Examine the Risks, Benefits, Alternatives Pain. It’s an unfortunate, often highly impactful, fact of life. Some pain is in the moment, like stubbing your toe or accidently touching a hot surface. Some pain can be lasting, such as back, knee, nerve and neck pain. Because of these things, most people will need a version of pain control at some point in their life. There may even be a point where a medical provider suggests…

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