
Julie Dostal - Page 2


News from the Noteworthy: Creating a Culture: From ‘Expendable’ to ‘You Matter’

This month’s article consists of excerpts I blew the dust off of from a 2017 Oneonta TEDx, in which I was honored to participate. As I reviewed the material, I realized that we are very much in the same boat—and probably taking on a bit more water. The title of the talk was “Expendable People.”
For every decision that our society makes to create profit, increase tax revenue, or develop an economic growth strategy on a known addictive product, we also…


Noteworthy: Opioids: Examine the Risks, Benefits, Alternatives

News from the Noteworthy: LEAF Opioids: Examine the Risks, Benefits, Alternatives Pain. It’s an unfortunate, often highly impactful, fact of life. Some pain is in the moment, like stubbing your toe or accidently touching a hot surface. Some pain can be lasting, such as back, knee, nerve and neck pain. Because of these things, most people will need a version of pain control at some point in their life. There may even be a point where a medical provider suggests…


Paving the Way for Recovery-Friendly Environment

Paving the Way for Recovery-Friendly Environment ONEONTA—Leatherstocking Education on Alcoholism/Addictions Foundation Executive Director Julie Dostal was front and center on January 12 to receive a check in the amount of $378.704.00 from the Appalachian Regional Commission. These funds will support the North4 INSPIRE program, providing those in substance use disorder recovery with education, workforce training and wraparound services.Front row, from left, are: Jen Cutting (Alcohol and Drug Abuse Council, Delaware County), Dostal, Mary Rosenthal (ADAC, Delaware County), Kyleen Joslyn (LEAF,…


News from the Noteworthy: Celebrate Safely, Responsibly This Holiday Season

News from the Noteworthy Celebrate Safely, Responsibly This Holiday Season The celebration season has begun! It is time for festivities, holy days, gatherings, traditions, family, parties, events and maybe a little football. With that, I wish a great big happy holidays to all who are reading this. I also hope for each of you a safe and joyful season. If you follow LEAF at all on Facebook (please do!), you will see that our theme for the month is, “Celebrate…


News from the Noteworthy: Workforce Wellbeing Impacts Business Bottom Line

News from the Noteworthy Workforce Wellbeing Impacts Business Bottom Line The cost of doing business and staying in business is rising these days. It’s not just inflation, supply chain, COVID fallout and keeping the lights on. For most business owners and managers, that would be more than enough to contend with. We also know that it’s about the workforce and the overall wellbeing of the people we work with and work for. We are emerging from a dual pandemic (COVID…


News from the Noteworthy: September Is National Recovery Month

News from the Noteworthy September Is National Recovery Month It is an opportunity to celebrate with those who, through one path or another, have survived the disease of addiction. One well-known path is a 12-step program, such as Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, or Al-Anon, where groups of peers support each other through meetings, fellowship, and “working the steps.” Regardless of their path, many in recovery use the arts, writing, poetry, and photography as expressions of healing. I know I did!…


News from the Noteworthy: Drink Responsibly

News from the Noteworthy Drink Responsibly If I were walking around Oneonta, Richfield Springs, or Cooperstown with a microphone doing random street interviews, I might ask the question, “What is responsible drinking?” I can tell you that the likely outcome of my attempt at reporting would result in a wide range of responses and interesting conversations. The phrase “responsible drinking” has become ubiquitous in our culture. I will admit, my ears are finely attuned to it because of the work…


Oneonta ‘Festival’ and county ‘trail’ light up the holiday season

Oneonta ‘Festival’ and county ‘trail’ light up the holiday season By Kevin Limiti The Christmas season is officially here, which means holiday music, gathering with family, opening gifts, and waiting for Santa Claus. But there is nothing that screams holiday spirit more than what the Leatherstocking Education on Alcoholism/Addictions Foundation (LEAF) is doing to draw attention to the great light displays local residents proudly show off in Otsego County. And it’s all for a good cause: LEAF created the ‘Great…


News from the Noteworthy: Prepare against holiday disappointment

News from the Noteworthy: Prepare against holiday disappointment Deck the halls! Light the candles! Hang the lights! Prepare the feast! And then wait with excited anticipation of family and friends coming over to share the celebrations of the season. Whether you observe Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza, or a blend of traditions, the hopes for joy and peace are high in the hearts of most. Then, for some of us, there are the thoughts of “that” guest or “that” situation everyone knows…


DOSTAL: Legal Marijuana Offers Harmful, Empty Promises

Legal Marijuana Offers Harmful, Empty Promises By JULIE DOSTAL • Special to This is not your parents’ weed.  Information and data from states that have legalized marijuana should give New Yorkers reason to pump the brakes on taxed, regulated recreational use.  Legalization of the 2020 version of cannabis is not about consenting adults discretely smoking a joint in the privacy of their home. It is about an industry-driven, full-on commercialization with pot shops, pot advertisements, pot sponsorships, and pot…