Julie Huntsman – All Otsego


Julie Huntsman


Schuyler Lake and Fly Creek Methodists Plan Merger

While the merger means the end of regular weekly worship services at the “Little White Church,” the Schuyler Lake UMC facilities—both the church and the Pantry—will remain in service, becoming in effect extensions of the existing Fly Creek UMC campus. Fly Creek UMC has a substantial congregation and a rich history of its own, which includes the now legendary “Fly Creek Philharmonic.”…


Susquehanna SPCA celebrates opening of new facility with ribbon cutting, open house

Susquehanna SPCA celebrates opening of new facility with ribbon cutting, open house By KEVIN LIMITI• Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com OTSEGO — Hundreds gathered outside the Susquehanna SPCA’s new facility in Cooperstown for a ribbon cutting ceremony Saturday, July 17, which they say would help better service the needs of animals who are homeless and in need of caring adoptees. In spite of the humidity — one young woman apparently fainted during remarks from State Sen. Peter Oberacker, R-Maryland — the crowd…


HUNTSMAN: Basile Qualified For Seat On Otsego County Board

LETTER from JULIE HUNTSMAN Basile Qualified For Seat On Otsego County Board To The Editor: I’m writing today in enthusiastic support of Jill Basile, candidate for Otsego County Board, District 14, (Wards 7-8). I have gotten to know Jill through her volunteer work for the Susquehanna SPCA, on whose board she also serves.  Time and again, in a crunch when volunteers are crucial, she rolls up her sleeves, literally, and gets to work, no matter how dirty the job.  She…


Methodists At Fly Creek Pray Peacefully Together

from JULIE HUNTSMAN, CHRIS KJOLHEDE Methodists At Fly Creek Pray Peacefully Together To the Editor: We appreciate this paper’s coverage of local dissent from the global United Methodist Church’s “Traditional Plan” which passed by a slim majority at the church’s conference in February of this year. To those not acquainted with the issue, the Traditional Plan continues the UMC Book of Discipline’s codified discrimination of people identifying as LGBTQ.   Those so identifying are not turned away from church, but…