Kay Stuligross – All Otsego


Kay Stuligross


For Stuligross, Career-Long Dream Coming To Fruition

HIRING COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR For Stuligross, Career-Long Dream Coming To Fruition By JIM KEVLIN  •  Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com ONEONTA – Kay Stuligross has come a long way, baby. Growing up in Oberlin, Ohio, in the 1940s and ’50s, the daughter of a college professor, her mother sometimes wouldn’t vote “because she didn’t want to cancel out my father’s vote.” Raising a family in Oneonta in the 1980s, she and her husband, Hartwick College Economics Professor Jack Stuligross, agreed her time would…



READ TEXT OF TODAY’S RESOLUTION COUNTY BOARD EXPLODES OVER MANAGER MOVE Marietta’s Resolution From Floor ‘Disrespectful,’ Frazier Declares By JIM KEVLIN • Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com COOPERSTOWN – County Rep. Andrew Marietta’s attempt to introduce a resolution to hire a county manager quickly blew up into high drama and parliamentary gamesmanship a today’s county Board of Representatives meeting. The vote itself was quickly derailed. Marietta made a motion, Kay Stuligross, D-Oneonta, seconded it, and Ed Frazier, R-Unadilla, with some prompting from…


3 Final Bumps In Road, But County Budget OK’d

3 Final Bumps In Road, But County Budget OK’d COOPERSTOWN – Otsego County’s 2017 budget was approved today, but not before three final wrinkles were ironed out: County Rep. Kay Stuligross, D-Oneonta, objected to a $700 allocation to help the Otsego County Historical Society erect one historic marker next year. Lacking a policy on such requests, the veteran representative said, she was unable to approve the money. However, a vote of the full board overruled her. On the motion of…

Charter Input Parsed

Charter Input Parsed By JIM KEVLIN•Hometown Oneonta Edition of Friday, Oct. 17, 2014 There were many issues raised, but two predominated at a tense Common Council meeting Monday, Oct. 13. One, that watering down city-manager credentials from a master’s in public administration (MPA) to a bachelor’s, was an attempt to circumvent the new City Charter, which residents adopted by a 1,128-348 vote in November 2011. Two, that by bypassing former City Manager Mike Long – the city’s first – and…


STULIGROSS: MANOR SALE TO BE COMPLETE IN WEEK INDEX – Otsego Manor, the county nursing home, will change owners Wednesday, Oct. 8, moving from public to private hands, county Rep. Kay Stuligross, president of the Local Development Council that negotiated the sale, announced today. “Otsego Manor prides itself on being ‘home’ to all its residents. That doesn’t mean their home away from home, but the place where they really feel at home when they need skilled nursing care,” Stuligross said.…

County Will Go It Alone

County Will Go It Alone •By JIM KEVLIN• Hometown Oneonta/The Freeman’s Journal For the time being, anyhow, the County of Otsego doesn’t intend to participate in the “single point of contact” economic-development strategy. The county Planning Department has been renamed the Planning & Economic Development Department, and will continue handling the small-business programs that the former county Economic Development Office did under Carolyn Lewis, who resigned last August. The county IDA (Industrial Development Agency) “is doing the big grants,” said county Rep.…


CONTRACT SIGNED FOR MANOR SALE COOPERSTOWN County Rep. Kay Stuligross, D-Oneonta, this afternoon signed a contract to sell Otsego Manor to Focus Ventures, a nursing home operation based in Airmont,Rockland County. Stuligross chairs the Otsego Manor Facilities Corp., established by the county Board of Representatives last year to facilitate the sale of the public nursing home.  When Focus Ventures was identified as the potential buyer in January, the price was reported at $18.5 million. Focus Ventures must now apply to the state Department of…