Kim Jastremski – All Otsego


Kim Jastremski


CCS Voters Pick Hayes, Spencer

$19 MILLION BUDGET OK’D CCS Voters Pick Hayes, Spencer COOPERSTOWN – Incumbent Tim Hayes was reelected to the Cooperstown Central school board today, joined by newcomer Gillian Spencer. The tallies were Hayes 283, Spencer 280, Kim Jastremski 272, Jeff Woeppel 246, and Bruce Markusen 188. The $19 million 2017-18 budget was approved, 577-211. Leasing a new bus was approved, 584-85. The budget for the Cooperstown library and Hartwick’s Kinney Library was approved, 526-146.  …


Short Shorts Show Candidates’ Divides

Short Shorts Show  Candidates’ Divides Did Dress Code ‘Shame Bodies,’ Or Put Students In Frame Of Mind To Learn? By JIM KEVLIN • Special to COOPERSTOWN – Short shorts enlivened this evening’s League of Women Voters’ forum. “What’s enough?” asked citizen Richard Blabey, referencing the in-school mini-furor when eight female students who showed up at the high school in short shorts on April 11, the first day when temperatures got into the 70s, and were taken out of class and…