Kimberly Steeley – All Otsego


Kimberly Steeley


Steeley Not Guilty In Twins’ Death

JURY DELIBERATES 3 HOURS Mom Not Guilty In Twins’ Deaths By LIBBY CUDMORE •  Special to COOPERSTOWN – In just over three hours, a jury found Kimberly Steeley, 27, Decatur, not guilty in the June 2018 deaths of her infant twins, Bonde and Liam. Steeley’s attorney, Andrew Van Buren, made the case that the babies died of SIDS – Sudden Infant Death Syndrome – in part, because they had come home from the hospital too soon. Both babies were…


Describing ‘Nightmare’ Of Finding Infants Dead, Steeley Takes Stand In Trial

Describing ‘Nightmare’ Of Finding Babies Dead, Mom Takes Stand In Trial Pausing frequently to wipe away tears, Kimberly Steeley took the stand for nearly two hours to testify in her own defense against charges that she smothered her two infant children, Bonde and Liam, in June 2018. Bonde died on June 5, the night she was brought home from the hospital, after Steeley said she placed the infant face-up on her lap and fell asleep. 11 days later, she was…


Did Mother Asphyxiate  Twins – Or Did Father? Open Statements Set Up Scenario: Which Drugged Parent Responsible?

Did Mother Asphyxiate  Twins – Or Did Father? Opening Statements Set Up Scenario: Which Drugged Parent Responsible? The manslaughter trial of Kim Steeley, 27, of Decatur – seen weeping in court today – opened with two contrasting scenarios in Otsego County Court this morning. In his opening statement, District Attorney John Muehl blamed the mother for the June 2018 deaths of twins Liam and Bonde, born prematurely: “The real problem was, she (Steeley) was high and she nodded off on…


DA: Mother Fell Asleep, Smothered Twins

DA: Mom Fell Asleep, Smothered Twin Babies By LIBBY CUDMORE • Special to COOPERSTOWN – Kimberly Steeley, the woman accused of smothering her twins Bonde and Liam in 2018, did so by falling asleep while in bed with the children, District Attorney John Muehl told Judge John Lambert during a suppression hearing in Otsego County Court on Monday. “She told police she nodded off in bed with them,” he said. “She was reckless, and there is evidence that she…


Twins’ Mom Indicted In Newborns’ Deaths

Twins’ Mom Indicted In Newborns’ Deaths By LIBBY CUDMORE • Special to DECATUR – On Saturday, May 4, Kimberly Nicole Steeley wrote a poem on her Facebook page, titled, “If I knew x Two,” “If I knew it was the last time I would hold you x2, If I knew it would be the last time I kissed you x2…If I knew love that Deeply x2, If I knew I would Have tried to save you x2,” she wrote.…


Muehl: Decatur Twins Died Of Asphyxiation

DETAILS FROM PROSECUTOR: DECATUR TWINS ASPHYXIATED 16 DAYS APART By LIBBY CUDMORE • Special to DECATUR – Kimberly Steeley’s infant twins, Bonde and Liam, both died from asphyxiation, according to District Attorney John Muehl. “At first, everyone thought Bonde died of SIDS,” said Muehl. “Then 11 days later, Liam died of the same condition.” Steeley, 27, Decatur, was indicted on two counts of second-degree manslaughter, one for each child, for recklessly causing the death of her children last June.…