Kyle Van De Water – All Otsego


Kyle Van De Water


Political Races Aplenty In 2020

Political Races Aplenty In 2020 Lawyer Challenges Delgado; Jim Powers In Assembly Run By JIM KEVLIN • Special to Having filled a vacancy on the Millbrook Village Board in 2017, Republican Kyle Van De Water, a Poughkeepsie lawyer, ran for a full term in 2018. As he knocked on doors and handed out literature, he discovered volunteers for Democratic Congressional candidate Antonio Delgado had gotten there before him. And Delgado’s army of volunteers also handed out literature for the…


Van De Water Says He’s Running In 19th

Van De Water Says He’s Running In 19th Millbrook Lawyer Takes On Delgado MILLBROOK – Last week he won the support of the Otsego and Schoharie county Republican committees in a straw poll at the Worcester White House Inn. Today, lawyer and Army veteran Kyle Van De Water made it official: He plans to run against first-term Democratic Congressman Antonio Delgado in New York’s 19th District. Van De Water has been doing what he did in Worcester last week:  asking…



19TH CANDIDATES IN COUNTY GOP COMMITTEE BACKS LAWYER, VET V. DELGADO By JIM KEVLIN • Special to WORCESTER – Kyle Van De Water, a lawyer, Army veteran and father of three triplets – his daughter, challenged since her days in the womb, has undergone 30 operations in her 10 years – received the unanimous backing of the Otsego and Schoharie county Republican committees’ executive committees here this evening to challenge freshman Congressman Antonio Delgado, D-Rhinebeck, in this fall’s election.…