LadyJam – All Otsego




News Briefs: April 27, 2023

News Briefs: April 27, 2023 Temple Beth El To Present Concert on May 7 ONEONTA—“From The Shtetl To Broadway,” music from the Old World to the New, will be presented at Temple Beth El of Oneonta on Sunday, May 7 at 4 p.m. This family- friendly community event is free and open to the public. From the Eastern European klezmer folk tradition to swing standards and Broadway favorites, the concert explores the arc of immigrant music to that of established…


Spirit Of MLK Lives On At St. Mary’s Celebration

Spirit Of MLK Lives On At St. Mary’s Celebration Reginald Brunson, Hobart, delivers his rendering of Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have A Dream” speech at this afternoon’s MLK Day commemoration organized by the NAACP, Oneonta Chapter, at the St. Mary’s Church this afternoon. At Right, Mayor Gary Herzig takes to the podium to read a Oneonta City Proclamation, remarking “Fifty years after the death of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. we find ourselves withe a President who is a…