letter to the editor – All Otsego


letter to the editor


Welch: Waterproof Beacons Should Replace Flares

You have reached your limit of 3 free articles To Continue Reading SubscribeLogin   Our hard-copy and online publications cover the news of Otsego County by putting the community back into the newspaper. We are funded entirely by advertising and subscriptions. With your support, we continue to offer local, independent reporting that is not influenced by commercial or political ties.…


Northrup: Kudos to Canadarago Lake Communities

Letter from Chip Northrup Kudos to Canadarago Lake Communities Richfield Springs, near Canadarago Lake, is taking the lead locally on mitigating harmful algal blooms by curtailing the nutrients that are discharged from septic tanks—nitrogen and phosphorus—into the lake. We know why “the grass is always greener over the septic tank.” Toxic algae thrives in nutrient-rich water. As permitted, septic tanks discharge nutrients into the groundwater, and those fertilizers find their way into the lake where they help drive toxic algae…


Malhotra: Appeal to President Biden: Please End War

Letter from Ashok Malhotra Appeal to President Biden: Please End War As the war in Ukraine is escalating because of the ego-tripping of Russian President Putin and a more powerful response from the NATO countries along with the U.S. aid to the president of Ukraine to fight against the Russian aggression, there appears to be no end in sight to the war. Thousands of Russian missiles and drones fired at the Ukrainian cities to raze its monuments and to kill…


WILCOX: NYers Should Know Cost of Climate Action

You have reached your limit of 3 free articles To Continue Reading SubscribeLogin   Our hard-copy and online publications cover the news of Otsego County by putting the community back into the newspaper. We are funded entirely by advertising and subscriptions. With your support, we continue to offer local, independent reporting that is not influenced by commercial or political ties.…


NORTHRUP: ‘HABsteria’ Imminent Without Planning Now

You have reached your limit of 3 free articles To Continue Reading SubscribeLogin   Our hard-copy and online publications cover the news of Otsego County by putting the community back into the newspaper. We are funded entirely by advertising and subscriptions. With your support, we continue to offer local, independent reporting that is not influenced by commercial or political ties.…


HIERHOLZER: A Dog’s Dilemma

Letter from Sherry Hierholzer A Dog’s Dilemma The majority of dogs in our nation’s animal shelters come from “puppy mill” situations. Whether it is a large-scale operation with many dogs bred, or a local “back yard” situation mating a couple of dogs. Add to this the unneutered dogs allowed to roam freely. People buying/acquiring these dogs often do not keep them long. The person has no time, can’t afford the expenses, their lifestyle changes, or they can’t be bothered to…


WHELAN: Support for Programs Is Encouraged

You have reached your limit of 3 free articles To Continue Reading SubscribeLogin   Our hard-copy and online publications cover the news of Otsego County by putting the community back into the newspaper. We are funded entirely by advertising and subscriptions. With your support, we continue to offer local, independent reporting that is not influenced by commercial or political ties.…


WELCH: Future Interment Options Explored

Letter form Gerry Welch Future Interment Options Explored Friends, Romans, Countrymen and Concerned Citizens:Here are cost effective, environmentally sound ways to process human waste; that of “humans.” DNA is our essence, the rest are trappings. The “Field of Flowers Cemetery” is literally a manicured field of flowers. There could be a wall somewhat like the Vietnam memorial, displaying the name of everyone within the cemetery, and offering DNA capsules to be sealed within. You have reached your limit of 3…


POPE: Thanks to Those Who Made Event a Success

Letter from Ellen Pope Thanks to Those Who Made Event a Success I’m writing in to express our deep gratitude to all who made our sold out Grilled Cheese for a Good Cause, a community fundraiser for the Cooperstown Farmers’ Market, a happy success. Hats off to the talented chefs who served up deliciously inventive sandwiches and soups: Alex Webster from Alex’s Picnic, Tim Searles from Doubleday Café, caterer Mark Loewenguth, Alex Guenther and Brian Wrubleski from Mel’s at 22,…


HAMILL: Support for Drnek, But With Questions

You have reached your limit of 3 free articles To Continue Reading SubscribeLogin   Our hard-copy and online publications cover the news of Otsego County by putting the community back into the newspaper. We are funded entirely by advertising and subscriptions. With your support, we continue to offer local, independent reporting that is not influenced by commercial or political ties.…

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