letter to the editor – Page 2 – All Otsego


letter to the editor - Page 2


BROE: Facemasks, Vaccines Are Not the Answer

Letter from Steve Broe Facemasks, Vaccines Are Not the Answer Dr. Richard Sternberg asks your readers if they are still masking up and getting jabbed. I, for one, am not! The doctor seldom, if ever, mentions the keys to excellent health and COVID/flu avoidance. These time-honored keys are hard work or exercise, obtaining adequate rest, maintaining a slim waistline, getting plenty of fresh air and sunshine, and ingesting many fresh fruits and vegetables. Donning ridiculous, respiration-depressing facemasks and taking dangerous,…


Carnival Committee: It Took a Village… a Very Special Village

Letter from the Cooperstown Winter Carnival Committee It Took a Village… a Very Special Village A heartfelt thank you to the more than 100 individuals, businesses and organizations that participated in or generously donated to the 2023 Cooperstown Winter Carnival. Hundreds of residents and visitors alike braved frigid temperatures to attend a host of Winter Carnival activities, from the Hot Cocoa Kick-Off at The Otesaga Resort Hotel to the sold-out Grilled Cheese for a Good Cause event at the Cooperstown…


MALHOTRA: Writer Appeals to President Biden

Letter from Ashok Malhotra Writer Appeals to President Biden It is sad for all of us because the war in Ukraine is dragging on into the second year. You may ask: “What has Russia accomplished in one year and at what price?” The same question can be asked of Ukraine? The answer is disturbing, because more than 200,000 young soldiers from Ukraine and Russia have lost their lives; more than 100 ancient monuments and 1,000 buildings have been destroyed, and…


HAMILL: Council Candidate Elaborates on Policy

Letter from Andrew Hamill Council Candidate Elaborates on Policy As a candidate for the Oneonta City Council, I can only hope that I will do well to help serve the people and the city in any capacity possible. If there are any doubts about this, do know that I will keep my personal opinion separate from the task at the job itself. If I am elected to the Council, I want to increase the size of the Commissions from five…


KEITH: ‘Nirvana’ Use Should Not Be an Issue

Letter from Lang Keith ‘Nirvana’ Use Should Not Be an Issue When I saw the front page of this week’s Freeman’s Journal I immediately checked my calendar, thinking I had somehow missed a couple of months and this was the April Fool’s issue. But no, it’s the January 26th issue, and the article about Ommegang was not a spoof of the omnipresent swath of American citizens who seem to spend their days seeking new ways to be offended. Thank goodness…


KEGELMAN: Further Thoughts on Fire District Election

Letter from Joan Kegelman Further Thoughts on Fire District Election Regarding your recent coverage of the Fly Creek Fire District election, the current board endeavored to bring the district into compliance with the state’s regulations. However, there are those apparently who feel that rules do not apply to them, and that they are entitled to do things as they wish, regardless of state guidelines, protocols of the office of the state comptroller, and legal counsel. I take exception to the…


WHELAN: Transfer Station Still Under Review

Letter from Mary Anne Whelan Transfer Station Still Under Review I want to pass on that I did, after my last letter, hear from the regional director of the “transfer station.” Also, that she lives in Oneonta and has in fact previously visited it. We agreed to meet there today and she came with three other members of Casella and the Otsego County Director of Solid Waste Management. We reviewed the situation. An important fact to be considered is that…


SOUTHWORTH: Praise for Article, Fauci Insights

Letter from Caroline Southworth Praise for Article, Fauci Insights Many thanks to Dr. Richard Sternberg for his insightful article on Dr. Anthony Fauci and his many accomplishments during his long and distinguished career. I agree that but for jealousy and political hostility he would have been named officially as a great man. I agree with Dr. Sternberg that he is one. Caroline SouthworthCooperstown…


BECKERT: Letter Platform Appreciated

Letter from Bruce Beckert Letter Platform Appreciated I would like to thank this paper for printing my letters over the past two years, as well as the readers that read them. We all are so fortunate to live in this country, the greatest country in the world. Starting with the Revolutionary War all the way through 9/11, this country has persevered and succeeded. Currently we are in the midst of another crisis to protect our freedom and way of life.…

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