letter to the editor – Page 3 – All Otsego


letter to the editor - Page 3


Calzolari: Props To ISD for Computer Repair

Letter from Monica Calzolari Props To ISD for Computer Repair I want to give a shout-out to Wilhelmina and Joe at ISD [Information Systems Division] for rescuing my laptop from a nasty virus and teaching me about “scareware.” I hope this letter to the editor is a warning to others to not fall prey to tricks that cybercriminals play. I used free Wi-Fi at the airport in Memphis, Tennessee and my computer became incredibly slow. Then, I got several “scareware”…


MALHOTRA: Window Now Open for Diplomacy

Letter from Ashok Malhotra Window Now Open for Diplomacy By exchanging Brittney Griner for Viktor Bout, both President Biden and President Putin have opened up a window of opportunity to stop this useless war in Ukraine. Both Russia and the USA have been spending billions of dollars fighting this senseless war which is killing thousands of young soldiers from both Russia and Ukraine. Now is the best time to start pursuing peace which will benefit both sides equally and the…


HYMAS: Main St. Cameras a ‘Slippery Slope’

Letter from George Hymas Main St. Cameras a ‘Slippery Slope’ The Village of Cooperstown is currently exploring the installation of strategically placed surveillance cameras in the village. The collection of data from the cameras can be viewed by the government and other local authorities and can be used to maximize surveillance of local citizens. Racial profiling, collection of vehicle registrations and the gathering of citizens for legal demonstrations or enjoyment are a few of the concerns that come to mind.…


HAMILL: Hamill To Run for City Council Post

Letter from Andrew Hamill Hamill To Run for City Council Post Our elected officials, in their capacities, need to do more for their citizens while still maintaining a proper and modern budget that works with the people, help their citizens in any way they can, be held accountable to a higher standard, and remember that they answer to their constituents. With that being said, I hereby announce my candidacy for councilman for the First Ward in the City of Oneonta.…


O’BRYAN: Re: Transfer Station Complaints

Letter from Lonnie O’Bryan Re: Transfer Station Complaints Recently, a resident of Cooperstown wrote in with concerns about the appearance and operations of the Otsego County Northern Transfer Station located in Cooperstown. The station, as pointed out in the letter, is managed by Casella. As the division manager of Casella’s Oneonta Hauling Division and Transfer Stations in Otsego and Schoharie, I take great pride in our facilities and feel as though we do an outstanding job representing the very best…


WELCH: Innovations Can Save Time, Energy

Letter from Gerry Welch Innovations Can Save Time, Energy The common “shop vacuum” cleaner or vacuum cleaner can be made to be more efficient. Simply have the on and off button on the end of the hose handle instead of on the vacuum itself or have the remote control on and off switch attached to one’s wrist using Velcro. Reducing time in reaching for the on/off switch and reducing energy lost while in the process of accessing the off switch…


OBERRITER: Coop Food Pantry Grateful for Support

Letter from Sharon Oberriter Coop Food Pantry Grateful for Support This is a good time of year for Cooperstown Food Pantry to thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for the fantastic support you give us in our mission to deal with hunger and poverty here in the northern Otsego County community. We thank the businesses, churches, community organizations, individuals, and our 100+ volunteers without whom we could not help our families, children, and seniors in this stressful…


CHASE: Support Needed for Tournament

Letter from Alicia Chase Support Needed for Tournament The Cooperstown Central School Sports Booster Club is asking that community members and businesses consider supporting our annual Dick White Holiday Basketball Tournament, which we will host again this year on December 27 and 28, featuring our boys and girls varsity and junior varsity basketball teams competing against Hamilton, Unatego, Whitesboro, Notre Dame (Utica), Oxford, and Richfield Springs. As in years past, we are confident that this year’s tournament will feature quality…


KUZMINSKI: OEC Scoping Plan Comments on Point

Letter from Antoinette Kuzminski OEC Scoping Plan Comments on Point The final version of the New York State Climate Action Scoping Plan will be made available January 1, 2023. In its statement on this topic in this paper last week, Otsego Electric Cooperative (OEC) made very clear the shortcomings of present versions of this plan, particularly as regards the needs of the population served by OEC. I am grateful for OEC’s thoughtful analysis, which illuminates the true costs of keeping…

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