
letter to the editor - Page 6


Letter to the Editor: Freedom

Freedom in jeopardy To the Editor,                                                                                                                                                                      We all have the most critical challenge of our lifetime at hand. Our constitution, plus our freedoms, are in great jeopardy and the attack is on fast track now. We are so fortunate to have lived through such great times in this country. We need to thank God, as well as all the fearless people that sacrificed, including the ultimate sacrifice, for the great years we have been blessed with. Freedom doesn’t come without…


Friends and family directly affected by Ukraine war

Friends and family directly affected by Ukraine war To the Editor: My friends and family are directly affected by the war in Ukraine. My sister and her two daughters had to flee Ukraine to Moldova, and then to Austria. My brother-in-law had to stay behind in the country and we do not know if he will remain alive. How can it be okay to have a Russian Federation tank drive over a civilian in their car? How can it be…


Letter: A Pearl Harbor Day plea

Letter: A Pearl Harbor Day plea To the Editor: I write this on December 7, Pearl Harbor Day for those of us who were old enough to recall the events of that Sunday in 1941, a “day of infamy” as FDR proclaimed to Congress and the world. A joint session of Congress unanimously declared war the next day. America had entered World War II and committed itself to a total wartime footing. Young and not-so-young men stretched in long lines…


NORTHRUP: Proposed apartments better than existing eyesores

LETTER from CHIP NORTHRUP Proposed apartments better than existing eyesores To the Editor: A new apartment building has been proposed at 10 Chestnut between Main and Lake. Simple Integrity proposed much the same thing two years ago. I was the only person at the hearing that spoke in favor of it—on the simple premise that what they proposed was clearly an improvement on what’s there now—a dilapidated building. The first and foremost utilitarian test on the redevelopment of property in…


CONWAY: Editor’s should write editorials

LETTER from PAUL CONWAY Editor’s should write editorials To the Editor: To the question of whether All-Otsego’s new Editor-in-Chief should (continue to) use the editorial page to express positions on a variety of topics: Of course he should. He must! It would be an abrogation of his responsibility not to provide editorial guidance to area citizens. Editorials are widely anticipated to inform, educate, and — maybe least of all — persuade citizens on issues they might otherwise ignore or take…


NORTHRUP: Many Owe Their Lives To Muslim Immigrants

LETTER from CHIP NORTHRUP Many Owe Their Lives To Muslim Immigrants To the Editor: The COVID vaccine I got today was invented by a husband and wife team of Turkish Muslim immigrants. They live modestly in an apartment and ride their bicycles to work at their company, BioNTech. They were the first to decode the C-19 virus and developed the vaccine made by Pfizer. So, like many people the world over, I owe my life to a Turk. Maybe you…


WHELAN: These Facts Correct: Guns Are Killing Us

LETTER from MARY ANNE WHELAN, MD These Facts Correct: Guns Are Killing Us To the Editor: In his most recent letters to the editor on the subject of gun regulation, Mr. Brockway seems to have the shoe on the wrong foot when it comes to factual statements, a particularly bad error for a blacksmith. In addition to his past claims that the Democratic presidential candidates all wanted to take your guns away, which he surely knew to be false –…


STAMMEL: After Vacancy Rift, Bi-Partisan Trust Needs Rebuilding

LETTER from ANDREW STAMMEL After Vacancy Rift, Bi-Partisan Trust Needs Rebuilding To the Editor: The run of bi-partisanship on the county Board of Representatives has been interrupted by the Republican caucus’ recent efforts to steamroll through a replacement for Representative Oberacker. During my two and a half terms on the county board, cooperation between parties has ebbed and flowed. Since the 2017 election it has been split 7-7 between Democrats and Republican-affiliated members. Thankfully, a bi-partisan governing coalition and leadership…


KUZMINSKI: SAFE Foes, Pay For Challenge

LETTER from ANTOINETTE KUZMINSKI M.D. SAFE Foes, Pay For Challenge To the Editor: If gun enthusiasts wish to challenge the constitutionality of New York State gun laws, the ensuing court cases should be done on their own dollar. This will end up in the taxpayers’ lap if the county Board of Representatives agrees to a “gun sanctuary.” For the county board to take on this role would be financially highly irresponsible, especially in light of the budgetary constraints which just…


GROFF: And Of An Era: The Groff Era

LETTER from JERRY GROFF And Of An Era: The Groff Era Editor’s Note: This a letter of appreciation to the communities from Dr. Jerry Groff, who recently retired after decades among the hospital’s leadership. Today is Thanksgiving 2020. The historic challenges and losses in the past year remind us to take extra time to give thanks for the things that have been good in our lives. I completed my 37-year career at Bassett in October, and with that came the…

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