lgbtq+ – All Otsego




In Memoriam Aimee Kelley, 36 Fought for LGBTQ rights

In Memoriam Aimee Kelley, 36 Fought for LGBTQ rights Aimee Kelley, loving daughter, sister and aunt, passed away on Wednesday, September 21, 2022. She was 36 years old. Aimee is survived by her mother, Kathleen Kelley, her brother Christopher and his fiancée Alanna Adams, and the light of Aimee’s life, her nephew Callum, who called her MeeMee. Her extended family, too numerous to mention by name, includes a band of adopted brothers who always had her back, childhood and teenage…


LGBTQ+ Rights are still fragile

LGBTQ+ Rights are still fragile By MACGUIRE BENTON • Special to This June marks 52 years since the Stonewall uprising began. We commemorate the contributions and sacrifices LGBTQ+ community members, activists and pioneers have made in the fight for civil rights. In the early hours of June 28, 1969, a series of demonstrations began in New York City as a result of a violent police raid on the Stonewall Inn, a historic gay club located in Greenwich Village. LGBTQ+…


HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for FRIDAY, APRIL 24 View First Rainb-O Artfest ARTFEST – 7 p.m. Enjoy first ever Rainb-O artfest from comfort of your home. Features most dynamic, forward-thinking LGBTQ+ entertainment Oneonta has to offer on Microsoft Teams. Visit for info.…


Mayor: Let Committee Study What Flags To Fly

Mayor: Let Committee Study What Flags To Fly Editor’s Note: This was reprinted from the current edition of The Freeman’s Journal and Hometown Oneonta, available at local newsstands. By JIM KEVLIN • Special to COOPERSTOWN – As suggestions expand to hanging banners beyond the Pride Flag on the village’s flagpole, Mayor Ellen Tillapaugh Kuch is asking Trustee MacGuire Benton to form a committee with two other trustees to develop a policy for all such requests. “We need a policy,…



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for TUESDAY, MAY 9 Learn Professional Photography PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOP – 5:30-7:30 p.m. Learn how to take professional photographs. Must bring your own camera. Huntington Memorial Library, 62 Chestnut St., Oneonta. Info, FINAL MEETING – 2 p.m. The Women’s Club will hold its final meeting after 95 years. The final program will be “Making memories and Updating Your Costume Jewelry” by Karen Katz. The history of the club will be celebrated with an old-fashioned ice cream social. Members…